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Guys you are crazy. Like this story and the second one are shooting through the roof. I know that like I haven't updated the second book but that's because my internet is constantly going out. I was not able to upload a bit during Hurricane Dorian because I am in North Carolina and we did get some of the backwash. We lost power for a few days then got it back on. But guys I was in South Carolina I think a day before the hurricane to get my cousin from camp. Like they were part of it. Florida and the Bahamas were bad.

I'm not throwing shade but the east coast is getting beat up. The past 3 years we have had hurricanes. Guys just look at the east coast more specifically Florida, and the Carolinas. We have gone through so much.

Anyway I'm in a good mood so if y'all will comment what the next chapter of "going forwards" should be about I will shout you out. And I am also doing a klance oneshot book so....

Anyway y'all are amazing comment and tell me what the next chapter should be and peace.

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