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I had picked Keith up at his house. He seemed worried this morning so I wanted to ask him about it. But I knew Keith. If he didn't say it he didn't want to talk about it. But it was eating me alive. I had to know what was going on with him. The alpha in me was really starting to show. All through school, I had stayed by Keith's side. Some guys were looking at him and I growled at them. "Lance." Keith growled through gritted teeth. "Stop. You're embarrassing me." I growled and walked forward into the bathroom. If he didn't want me to watch over him then he can get himself raped. I shook my head. Keith was everything to me. Why was I saying that he could get raped? My alpha was furious that he would get furious with me over protecting him.

I heard and sigh. "Lance. Lance come on. I know you're in here." I sighed and opened the stall door. "What?" Keith sighed. "Look Lance I'm sorry. I love that you want to protect me and that you love me. But maybe go low on the growling at people?" I chuckled and pecked his lips. "Sure. I guess."


Lunch was the worst time ever. I mean the food was good but Lotor was there. He had basically wanted to rape Keith at the party. That was something that I didn't agree with. So I kept Keith close to me. Keith knew that I was protective of him around Lotor. "Stay by me." I whispered. Keith nodded as we entered the lunch room. Lotor smiled and left his table of friends to come over to us. Keith didn't say anything as we sat down. "Hey baby." Lotor said. I was about to get up when Keith held my hand tightly. "Lotor you know that I'm not dating you. I'm dating Lance. Deal with it." And Keith went back to eating. Lotor looked butt hurt.

Pidge refrained from laughing which was surprising. Hunk was laughing though, maing Pidge begin laughing. "I've never seen Lotor so butt hurt ever!" Pidge yelped. Keith smiled and gripped my hand tightly.

After school, me and Keith were walking home. "Lance I'm sorry if I have ever made you feel like I didn't want to be your friend. I do. And I wanna be your boyfriend. But Lance sometimes we beg for things and they never come." Keith was turned towards me, both of us facing each other in the middle of the sidewalk. His head was down, his hair covering his face. "I'm sorry for being doubtful. All my life I thought that love never existed because my father never had the love he wanted. I'm sorry for being distant. Sometimes depression gets to me and I become distant enough to lose friends. Most of all I'm sorry for staying away. I wanted to be with you all the time and I was never able to get the courage to do it."

Before Keith could say another word I brought him into a kiss. "Don't say sorry ever again. You don't need to. I love you just the way you are."

Going Backwards (Klance Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now