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Keith had seemed very distant the day that college started. Of course he had started his course a week before I went to school so he had been busy for the past month. He already had tests coming up and constantly was doing his homework. When I had started getting homework, we stopped seeing so much of each other. He would be doing his homework and his classes on the bed and I would be going over notes and doing homework at the desk. Like we were now. Keith had constantly gotten up to go to the bathroom. I had went to a ring store and bought a silver ring with diamonds encrusted into the middle that waved like an ocean wave. (UP TOP)

He was doing his homework on the desk while I was cleaning up my side of the room. I walked up behind him and kissed his neck, my hands on the sides of his shoulders. "You should take a break baby. You've been working too hard." I said gently as I kissed his cheek. "I have this essay due tomorrow. I have to do 500 words." Looking at his computer, his word count said 467 words. I sighed and kissed him gently. "Babe you have to take a break. Come eat something." I said putting my alpha voice behind it. He sighed and closed the laptop. "Okay. Let's eat something." I smiled and we walked to the kitchen.

He sat down while I made him a salad. He had started eating vegan about a month ago, just before we moved in, so he was eating really healthy things now. "Thanks. Hey babe did you start getting your term paper back?" He asked. I sighed. I had turned in an important term paper the week before for my home economics class. "Yeah. I got a 89 on it. She said it was really good. So at least I use my brain." He laughed. "Hey I got a job at a Starbuck's down the street." I looked at him and smiled. We had agreed on getting part time jobs when we weren't at college. He smiled and held my hand. 

"You know I've been lonely for a while. Maybe you wanna give me some love?" I asked. He gulped. "Lance I don't think that's a good idea. I haven't been feeling good for the past few days." Sighing, I agreed. He had been throwing up for a few days. I grabbed his hand and rubbed his hand. "Do you want to go to the doctor?" I asked. He shook his head. "I'll be fine. I'm probably just having a bit of the flu." I smiled and kissed his head. 

"Okay love. Be careful."

(Shorter Chapter. Again filler chapter just to tide you over for a bit.)

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