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Emily had already started cooking for the pack, and Aniya helped

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Emily had already started cooking for the pack, and Aniya helped. A while after the both of them were done, and the pack had yet to arrive so the pair of them were on the table looking through the sketches.

The door opening and the sound of a lot of talking among the pack had the girls look up, and Aniya choked on the water she was drinking at the sight before her," Oh my-Are you okay Aniya?" Emily quickly asked rubbing her back.

"Why are-You know what," She said as she cleared her throat," I'm not going to even ask why they are all shirtless" She mumbled making Emily chuckle.

"Aniya!!" Seth beamed running over getting the boys to look up and share the same surprise at her being there.

"Oh, hey there" She waved awkwardly trying her best not to turn red at the sight of all the shirtless males. Leah was the last to walk in as she shoved the guys away running to Aniya for a hug.

"Oh, thank goodness you aren't shirtless either" She accidentally blurted out making the boys laugh and soon they went in asking how she was since she hasn't been at school.

She had spoken to each of them trying to answer them all but froze at Jacob who had his arms folded confused on why she was even there.

It seemed the pack never once mention Aniya from the way he looked around confused on why everyone seemed to be friends with her.

"Aniya? Wha-Sam?" He asked looking at the alpha who tried not to roll his eyes at how Jacob was glaring at him. Sam ignored him as he walked over to Emily kissing her scars, which Aniya knew must have been a routine since Emily told her how she really got the scars.

"All right boys, settle down" Emily clapped her hands stopping them from bombarding Aniya with questions.

"So why did you call a pack meeting?" Seth said but was elbowed by Embry but Aniya chuckled

"Don't worry boys, and Leah" She said," I know"

"You know?" Leah looked at her," As in-Everything?"

"Oh, she knows," Sam said nodding his head," Right from down to the Legends"

"How exactly? Now wai-Why does everyone seem friends with Aniya in the first place?" Jacob asked making some of the guys sigh and roll their eyes.

"Keep your personal problems under the table Jacob, it isn't about you right now" Paul commented making Jacob glare at him.

"So, uh-" She cleared her throat," Where shall I start?" She asked getting everyone's attention.

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