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Everyone had gathered to the table and had been eating as Aniya started to speak from the beginning since Sam said to start there

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Everyone had gathered to the table and had been eating as Aniya started to speak from the beginning since Sam said to start there.

"Okay, so-" She grabbed her bag and pulled out the loose papers," Turns out me drawing, has happened way back when I was around the age five" She laid it out for them all to see.

"You drew this at five?" Jared asked as his eyes widen as she nodded

"Yeah, my siblings told me that I told stories for each of you with these females. Like for Juliet and Embry, I told my siblings about how they met in summer, which turned out to be true" Aniya would have talked about Sam and Emily's but she knew that it was not a subject that she wanted to bring up since she found out Leah was his ex-fiancé.

"All of you actually, I told the tales of how you met your-well I called it soulmates at the time-I don't really understand that part. I'm assuming it's a wolf thing?"

"Yeah, a wolf thing" Seth mumbled as she continued

"Right, so that's where it started, my drawing's a least" Aniya had to re-explain the drawing part for Jacob's sake since he was out of the loop. She was surprised how he didn't interrupt her and stayed silent taking in all the information.

She had told how they all met on who asked, "It's exactly how we met them" Paul said as Aniya felt her chest tightened.

She had kept the drawing of her and Jacob in her bag not wanting to have a row about it. She'd have to keep that one to herself not wanting to think about how supposedly their story always ended. with one of their deaths.

"So, what is the connection anyways?" Quil asked as she smiled looking at him

"Well Quil" She leaned on her hand," Or should I say, cousin?" He looked at her raising an eyebrow

"Huh?" the others all shared the same look like him.

"I was born in the Rez, my dad is Tala Ateara" She revealed as the silence continued," So, that answers my whole dilemma about why they let my family live in the Rez" She said slowly

"Tala" Quil mumbled," I've only heard a few things about him,"

"You and me both buddy, my siblings said none of them knew much about what he did out of the family" Aniya explained then she looked at Leah," Through it all, I never once drew you in the past, in fact, I didn't know females could shift from what I learned"

"Neither did I" Leah shrugged," but you did draw me in my wolf form" Leah raised the book pointing herself out. Aniya felt a sadness overtake her realizing that Leah was the only one she hadn't drawn with a soulmate.

From what she had gathered, is that Leah deserved so much more than what she tries her hardest being here. She knew Leah and Emily were finally getting along, but the void will always be Sam.

Although, despite the sadness, something tells Aniya that Leah is going to find someone who treats her like a Queen. Someone who gives Leah Clearwater the world. She was sure of it.

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