Chapter 1

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"Hiccup can I talk to you?" Astrid said, Astrid and Hiccup were out with their friends and Astrid knew something she wasn't expecting it.
2 hours earlier
Pregnancy test. Positive. She is pregnant, Astrid is pregnant. It was their first time. Yes they are dating, but they never did it. At the prom night Hiccup was drunk, but Astrid wasn't. He started asking her for doing "it", but she said no. She wasn't scared of him, indeed she knew she was ready, but she was scared that he would regret it the next day and she didn't want to take advantage of him. But then Hiccup convinced her and they had their night. The next morning Astrid woke up first, but when she remembered that her mom doesn't know where she is, so she wore her clothes and went back home. That was last month and now she is here, a pregnancy test stick on her hand. "No, that's impossible, I can't be pregnant. Hiccup will hate me." She started freaking out. "Astrid is everything ok, what happened?" Heather said. Astrid didn't answer, "ok Astrid, I'm coming in." Heather said. Again no answer, Heather came in and saw Astrid leaning on the sink. "It's positive, I'm pregnant." Astrid said shakily.

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