Chapter One // It's Your Kids

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The events of the last week had worn me out completely, so now I wasn't even sure if I was dreaming or not. But I wanted to believe this was real-

..because there was my dream Toyota truck right in front of my eyes.

Finally, the car that I had wanted for such a long time was handed over to me. And to top it off, my parents were happy, Biff got what he deserved, and I had a beautiful truck and girlfriend. I guessed time traveling wasn't as bad as Doc was always saying after all.

Slowly, I inch my way towards the truck, admiring up close and personal. It was a sweet ride, and you bet your ass I wanted to get in it and ride it as soon as possible. But before I could do so, a familiar feminine voice came from behind me.

"How about a ride, mister?" My girlfriend asks, and I turn around, smiling. It feels like I haven't seen her in ages, and she looks even better than how I remembered her (if that was even possible).

"Jennifer," I say as I slowly walk up to her, "wow, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Let me look at you." I embrace her in my arms and she looks at me with a puzzling expression on her face.

"Marty, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week." She exclaims.

Well, she isn't wrong.

"I haven't." I truthfully say back, still staring at her lustily.

She puts her hand on my forehead like a concerned mother. "Are you okay?" She asks, sounding perplexed. "Is everything alright?"

Now that Jennifer was here, everything is perfect. I lean into her.

"Everything is great."

But it isn't. As soon as we start to lean in and kiss, I hear three familiar sonic booms and trash cans knocking over. Jennifer's hair starts to fly in my face as we both whip around to identify the noise.

And sure enough...

It was the Doc and the DeLorean.

Panic and confusion starts to override me as the DeLorean comes to a screeching stop. And out comes Doc, in a crazy outfit that didn't look like it belonged in the 80s- and more in the future. "Doc?" I ask, confused on what he was doing here.

"Marty, you've gotta back with me!" Doc yells, and I stare at him perplexed. Where- when on Earth was he talking about?


"Back to the future!" Doc responds, like it's obvious. He then starts to rummage through our garage cans he knocked over and finds some garbage, only to insert it into some part of the car. I looked at him, wondering what on Earth he was doing.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing Doc?" I ask, slightly annoyed that he interrupted my time with Jennifer.

"I need fuel." He claims, inserting some more trash into the car. "Go ahead, quick! Get in the car."

Wait a minute. I had just gotten back from the past- and now Doc was expecting me to go straight back- er, forward in time with him? That wasn't happening. "No Doc," I protest, "I just got here, and Jennifer's here- we're going to take the new truck for a spin!"

Doc shrugs, dismissive. "Well, bring her along," he says, and I look at her confused face, "this concerns her too!"

I grow baffled, as dread starts to pool in my stomach. "Wait a minute, Doc, what are you talking about?" I ask. "What happens to us in the future- do we become assholes or something?"

Doc shakes his head. "No Marty," he explains, "it's your kids, Marty! Somethings got to be done about your kids!"

Me and Jennifer turn to face each other at the same time, and I see her concerned, baffled expression. I wanted to explain what Doc was rambling on about, but I didn't exactly have the time to sit down with her and do that.

Quickly, we all gather into the DeLorean, and I hold Jennifer tightly in my lap while observing the road ahead. "Doc," I say, facing at the road in front of us, "you better back up, we don't have enough to get up to 88."

"Roads?" Doc mysteriously asks, and slides his shades down onto his face.

"Where we're going, we don't need roads."

Back to the Future II - Told from Marty McFly's POVWhere stories live. Discover now