Chapter Three // No Looking, No Touching, No Interacting

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After a very wild and bumpy ride, the Doc finally lands the DeLorean in some sort of alleyway. He opens the doors and jumps out of the car, searching the trunk for something. "First, you gotta get out and change clothes." Doc instructs. I look up at the pouring sky.

"Right now?" I ask. "It's pouring rain!"

"Wait five more seconds." Doc says, looking down at his watch. I look at him in curiosity, but nevertheless I wait.

And in exactly five seconds, the rain stopped almost instantaneously. Me and Doc marvel at his prediction.

"Right on the tick!" He exclaims. "Amazing.. absolutely amazing. Too bad the post office isn't as efficient as the weather service."

Wait a minute, the post office could do this too? I wondered, getting out of the car. But before I could think about that anymore, Doc started to peel off some sort of.. mask from his face. I looked at him strangely as he started talking. "Excuse the disguise, Marty," he began to say while still pulling the mask off, "but I was afraid you wouldn't recognize me. I went to a rejuvenation clinic and got an all natural overhaul. They took out some wrinkles, did a hair repair, changed my blood, and added a good thirty or fourty years to my life. They also replaced my spleen and colon. What do you think?" He asks, revealing himself.

I could only stare at him in fascination and wonder as he looked much.. younger. And better. It was crazy what technology could seem to do. "You look great, Doc." Was all I could say, with a smile on my face and a slightly open mouth.

I turn back around and face the new Hill Valley. So this was what the new future looks like? "Unbelievable, the future.." I mutter to myself, and call out to Doc. "I gotta check this out, Doc!"

The Doc runs up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "All in good time Marty, but we're on a tight schedule here." He exclaims, but I ignore him.

"Tell me about my future." I demand, with a grin on my face. "I mean, I know I make it big. But what do I become, a rich rockstar or something?"

Doc shakes his head, trying to dismiss my questions. "Please Marty," he begs, "No one should know too much about their own future." He reminds me. I nod my head, wanting to say "I know, Doc" after the 500th reminder. But still, I wanted to at least know-

"I am rich though, right?"

Doc doesn't answer my question and instead finds a bag full of futuristic clothing, tossing it to me. "Marty, please, take off your shirt." The Doc orders, and I take off my striped white and black shirt. "Put on the jacket and shoes. "We've got a mission to accomplish!" Doc exclaims, and runs to the end of alleyway with some sort of camera. It almost looked like he was.. spying?.. on someone. Nonetheless, I pull one of the shoes out the bag and put it on my right foot. As soon as it came on, I tap a button and it automatically laces itself. Sweet!

"Power laces, all right!" I exclaim enthusiastically. If the future was going to be like this, I could get used to it.

I then take a huge jacket out the bag and place it on, but it doesn't fit. It was too big. "This thing doesn't fit." I tell Doc, and he comes running over to readjust it. He presses a button, and a deep voice announces "I'm adjusting fit". And just like that, the jacket shrinks down until it's my perfect size. Amazing.

Doc nods. "Pull out your pants pockets. All kids in the future wear their pants inside out." He explains, and I reach down in my pant pockets. It seems like an odd fashion choice, but I want
to fit in with the future so I don't question it.

Doc observes me up and down for a minute before telling me "Perfect, you're the spitting image of your future son."

I look at him, with confusion and bewilderment in my eyes. That caught me off guard. What did he mean, future son? I thought I was simply just wearing this to fit in with everybody else, not to look like my future son. "What?" I try to ask, but Doc is already focused on something else. "Help me move Jennifer over here!" Doc says, and I walk to the DeLorean, both me and Doc lifting Jennifer out of her seat. "So what's the deal?" I ask, and Doc instructs me to lift her feet. I do so, and me and Doc place her down next to some discarded laser discs.

"Okay, now what?" I question Doc, and he springs into detail with his plan. "In exactly two minutes, you go around the corner into the Cafe 80's." Doc says.

"Cafe 80's?" I repeat. That sounded similar to a cafe I had visited before with Doc, Cafe 50's.

"One of those nostalgia places, but not done very well." Doc explains, handing me a $50 bill. My eyes widen- damn, this is a lot of money.

"Go in and order a Pepsi." Doc orders me. "Here's a fifty. And wait for a guy named Griff."

"Right, Griff." I nod my head, trying to process everything that was going on. Griff- that sounded awfully close to Biff.

"Griff's going to ask you about tonight." Doc continued. "Are are you in or out? Tell him you're out! Whatever he says, whatever happens, say no, you're not interested."

"Okay." Came my confused reply.

"Then leave. Come back here and wait for me. Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone and try not to look at anything."

I look at Doc like he was crazy, trying to piece this plan all together in my head. It was getting crazier and crazier by the second. After a moment, I sigh. "I don't get it," I tell him. "I thought you said this had to do something with my kids."

Doc reaches down in his pant pockets and reveals a newspaper, shoving it in my face. "Look what happens to your son!" He exclaims, as he gives me the paper. I read and stare at the headline for a minute in horror as I look up at Doc. The headline read- 'Youth jail for attempted robbery', and the picture is of my son. "My son?" I ask in confusion. "God, he looks just like me." I continue to read from the paper and furrow my brows as the story gets more and more bizarre. "Within two hours of his arrest, Martin McFly Junior was tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years in the state penitentiary." I look up at Doc in disbelief. "Within two hours?"

"The justice system works swiftly in the future, now that they've abolished all lawyers." Doc explains, and I give an exasperated sigh.

"Oh, this is heavy." I mutter as I stare at the newspaper some more. Maybe the future wasn't so good as I was expecting it to be.

"Oh, it gets worse!" Doc adds, and I wonder what could possibly get worse. "Next week, your daughter attempts to break him out of jail and she gets set up for twenty years!"

My mouth drops open. This was certainly news to me. "Wait a minute, I have a daughter?" I ask.

Doc looks at me regrettably. "You see, this one event starts a chain reaction which completely destroys your entire family." He explains, and I look at the newspaper again, noticing the date. "Hey Doc, the date.." I start to say. "..this is tomorrow's newspaper!"

"Precisely!" He responds. " I already went further ahead into time to see what else happens. I backtracked everything to this one event, so that's why we're here today to prevent this incident from ever happening." His watch starts beeping, and Doc's eyes widen again. "Damn, I'm late!" He yells, and starts to run off somewhere.

"Wait a minute!" I yell, before he runs off. "Where are you going now?"

Doc turns back to me. "To intercept the real Marty Junior, you're taking his place." Doc explains. "Round the corner at Café 80s, guy named Griff, just say no!"

I look over at Jennifer sleeping and pause Doc again. "Wait a minute, what about Jennifer?" I ask, concerned. "We're not just going to leave her there- are we?"

Doc shakes his head yes and shrugs casually. "Don't worry, she'll be safe." He reassures me. "It'll just be for a few minutes." He says, and I start to hesitantly walk off. "Oh!" He says, now being the one to interrupt me. "Marty, please be careful around that Griff character." He says, and makes a loopy sign around his forehead, indicating Griff was crazy. "He's got a few short circuits and his bionic implants."

I look at Doc, slightly concerned before heading off. This 'Griff' seemed to be a pretty bad guy, but if I've dealt with the Tannens before, I was sure I could handle this.

But little did I know how inaccurate I would be.

Back to the Future II - Told from Marty McFly's POVWhere stories live. Discover now