Chapter Eight // My Future Home

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I continue to hide in the closet I was just so randomly placed in, still panic-ridden and confused. I couldn't decipher anymore as to whether or not this whole... thing... was a dream, but I did not want to get out of this closet and find out.

Regardless, I place my ear to the closet door and try to figure out what is happening. From the voices I heard, I can make out that one of them is Marty's mother, Lorraine. Except- Lorraine is sounding older.

Much older.

"Your father's biggest problem Marlene is that he loses all self-control when someone calls him a chicken. How many times have we heard it, George?" Lorraine asks, and an older George appears to respond at the same time as Lorraine.

"I can't let them think I'm chicken!" They both say, and I can tell they're both rolling their eyes. "Well, you're right!" George says, and Lorraine continues on.

"About thirty years ago, your father tried to prove he wasn't chicken and he ended up in an automobile accident."

"Oh, you mean with the Rolls Royce?" A younger girl asks, and I stare at the door, horrified.

"Automobile accident?" I whisper in disbelief. Marty.. had gotten into an automobile accident? What has this future turned into?

"That accident caused a chain reaction of events, which sent Marty's life straight down the tube." Lorraine continues. Slowly, I begin to creep out of the closet so I can hear better and also escape this wretched place. "If not for that accident, your father's life would've turned out very differently. The man in the Rolls Royce wouldn't have pressed charges, Marty wouldn't have broken his hand and he wouldn't have given up on his music. And he wouldn't have spent all those years feeling sorry for himself."

This is nuts, I think to myself, in disbelief. What automobile accident were they talking about?

But before I can think anything else, a young boy who appears to look exactly like Marty walks by me. "Nice pants, mom," he exclaims, and I stare after him in horror. "Mom?"  I whisper frantically. This was not happening. "I got to get out of here!"

But I couldn't do anything just yet, for the fact that everybody was in the hallway. I sneak back into the closet, making sure nobody can see me. However, I can still overhear conversations and begin to hear what sounds like an older version of Marty talking to somebody named Needles. "Hey, Needles." I hear an older Marty say.

"Needles?" I ask in confusion, thinking of the Needles from our school. If that was really Needles, I have no idea why Marty would be talking to him. He was a huge jerk and was always pushing Marty around. So why would Marty be involved with him?

They continue the conversation, oblivious to the fact that I'm in the closet. "Did you take a look at that little business proposal of mine?" Needles asks.

"I don't know, Needles." Comes a hesitant response back.

"What are you afraid of?" Needles asks slyly. "If this thing works, it'll solve all your financial problems."

"And if it doesn't work Needles, I could get fired." Marty desperately responds. "It's illegal! I mean, what if the Jitz is watching, huh?"

I don't know who the 'Jitz' is, but whatever Marty is involved in sounds really dangerous. Needles, however, dismisses his problems like it's nothing. "The Jitz will never find out!" He exclaims. "Come on, stick your card in the slot, and I'll handle it."

At this, Marty shakes his head and begins to walk away. "Nah."

But then, Needles catch him with something he knows Marty will stop at. "Unless you want everyone in the division to think you're... chicken." 

Sure enough, Marty stops dead in his tracks.

Oh Marty, don't fall for it. I think as Marty begins to slowly turn around. He talks a big game, but he's not tough. Don't do this- don't fall for his tricks.

But of course, Marty can't read my thoughts, and he turns around slowly. "Nobody calls me Chicken, Needles.." he mutters angrily. "Nobody!"

Needles stared back at him, determination in him. "Prove it."

Finally, Marty cracks and pulls out his card. "Okay Needles," he says, showing his card. "Here's my card, scan it- I'm in."

I begin to dread his decision as he swipes his card. But by now, it's far too late to do anything else- Needles thanks him and ends the call. There was no going back now.

I watch Marty get up and see behind him a Japanese man appear on the screen. "McFly!" The man suddenly screams, and I jump in surprise.

Marty turns around and clasps his hands together. "The Jitz! Konnichi Wa!"

"McFly!" The man yells again, anger in his voice. I don't like where this is going.

"I was monitoring that scan you just interfaced. YOU ARE TERMINATED!"

My mouth drops in horror as Marty begins protesting. "Terminated- no, no sir!" He pleads desperately. "It wasn't my fault sir, it was Needles, Needles was behind the whole thing!"

The Jitz shakes his head, not believing Marty's story once. "And you co-operated!" He fires back.

"No, I didn't!" Marty protests. "It was a sting operation! I was setting him up!"

But this Jitz guy was not having it. "McFly, read my fax!" He yells, and the words 'YOU'RE FIRED' appear across the screen in large words. Marty shouts.

"I cannot be fired!" He protests, as a fax machine begins to print out 'you're fired'. I take one, in a state of horror and shock. This was unbelievable. Marty was fired.. under the influence of Needles?

I begin to hear Marty mumble and whisper. "Oh, this is heavy," he begins to say, "what am I going to tell Jennifer?"

I think you just told me.

I watch him for a bit more, but suddenly hear a tap and whispers of my name from the window. I turn around, and to my pleasure... it's the Doc and his dog, Einstein!

"Oh Doc, am I glad to see you!" I exclaim, making sure to not talk loud.

"Go out the front door!" Doc whispers, and I look at him in confusion. "But there's no doorknob!" I respond.

"Press your thumb to the plate!" Doc responds, and I look at him again, puzzled. "What plate?" I ask, but by this time Doc sees something and he jumps down.

No time to ask questions now, I think as I creep out of the closet and make my way to the door. I see the older Marty get his guitar out and play a few chords from what sounds like a bad version of The Power of Love. I stare at him, wondering why it sounds so bad, but from behind me, someone enters (I think Lorraine). I quickly moved before I can be seen by her, and thankfully she doesn't see me.

"Marty, what does this fax mean?" Lorraine asks worriedly, holding up the fax. As I quietly sneak to the front door, I hear Marty reassure her that it was just a joke.

Have fun explaining that one.

I finally get down to the front door, and a computerized voice responds to me. "Welcome home, Jennifer." It says, and internally I grow confused as it seems like the door opens automatically. I look over at the door to see why, and it reveals...


Except... a much older, greyer, and worse looking version of me.

For a moment, all we can do is stare at each other in horror.

"I'm old!" I scream, and that's the last thing I remember before I pass out.

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