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2115 SUN ERA
1-NCR Sun-Block Station
North Underground Abbey

IT was a weekend and Grounders have free two hours to spend in Greenland any way they want as long as it's within Ecclesia rules. Gathered behind one big tree far from the others were Lewvill and half of his church group—Tim, Gelo, Marius, Lukas, Paulo, Holy, Lorcan, Jamie, and Joshua—his first few converted and the mixed batch of Christian faithful he baptized. There were other small groups around the place with their Victorious leaders, but they made sure to gather as if they were just a group of friends hanging around together. In truth, they were all having a grand time talking about God and His works and talking about the Ground—the world God created for man.

"Let's review Genesis again," said Lewvill. "Because AB was asking me the other day why God killed the people and destroyed the surface in the Great Flood which for her means God doesn't love us and said if He already destroyed it why do we still exist if Earth equals Ground?" He faced Paulo. "Pau, you explained it to her literally and that's how she took it."

"I was in a hurry. She has endless questions that I'm afraid we will be overheard," Paulo explained. "Every time she sees one of us, she would ask about the Bible regardless of where we are."

Laughter filled the air.

"Passionate, that one," Holy said, chuckling.

Lewvill smirked. "Anyway, Genesis Chapter 6. Everything in the world became corrupt and the Earth was filled with violence. So God decided to destroy everything—the man," he stressed, "and the beast and all creeping things and birds of the air—"

"What are other birds like? Or are there many kinds? We only have chickens here," said Lorcan, the youngest amongst the bunch.

"There are and they are fascinating!" Lewvill's adult behavior suddenly changed. His excitement was like that of a little kid.. "Many variants, of different size, form, and color. I told you about the dove, right?"

"The one carrying the leaf that showed Noah the first sign of land," Jamie said casually.

"Tell us more about those birds!" Gelo said eagerly and looked at Jamie. "This is what you call 'reaction'."

Jamie rolled her eyes.

"Okay," Lewvill agreed. "For twenty minutes then we'll get back to the topic. Aside from the dove, and chicken," he nodded at Lorcan, "there are also an eagle, hawk, and falcon. An eagle is a giant bird with powerful wings. The one God showed me in my vision has a yellow beak with hook end, two big pale claws—they have two feet, almost all birds do—white-feathered head and brown-feathered body. And it has beautiful sharp blue eyes. It flies so high—"

A loud wail made Lewvill pause. He at once identified its source and saw AB slumped on the ground being attacked by water bottle guns by a group of kids. Lewvill was on his way to her even before the rest could react.

"The villain's defeated, guys. Time to drop the weapon," Lewvill coolly apprehended the little bunch. He lifted AB and shook off the water and dirt from her jumpsuit. AB hiccupped as Lewvill wiped her tears.

"But she kept telling us non-sense," one boy said.

"She said there is an I better than the Sun and its name is God and he's omnipoting and omnisaying whatever that means," followed a chubby little girl.

"Oh?" Lewvill gave AB a warning look. He knelt and told her to ride on his back which she did right away.

"Well, you know her imagination's better than a fairy book."

A SUMMER LOVE FOR YOU (Summer Anthology)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon