Chapter 7

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Dedicated to @loveit3010 who needed a chapter before Friday. ❤️ Thank you to you all for reading and commenting such uplifting thoughts on the books.

"Make him stop!" Orders Harmony as she covers her ears.

"Still want these babies Blayze? Imagine this but ten times worst." I look at Blayze and point at my belly and point to the noise maker.

"It can get worst?!"

"Ugh! Why won't he shut up?!"

"Don't say shut up Harry."

Ric continues to cry as I rock him in my arms. He's sleepy but trying to fight his tiredness. I fed him and changed his diaper already but he refuses to settle down. I turn to Blayze who has his hands in his hair and his shirtless in his boxers. It's two in the morning and the twins were sleeping with Blayze and me along with baby Ric in his crib next to our bed. Ric started crying and woke everyone up. Blayze is sitting on the couch and Harry and Harmony are in the bed with pillows over their ears.

"You guys can go to the other bedrooms and sleep." I offer. "No, that's too much work." They all mumble in sync. "Lazy much." I tease. "More like sleepy," Blayze mumbles before laying completely down on the couch. "I'm going to pee and if that little noise maker isn't quiet when I come out I'm calling the authorities and have him be arrested for sleep disturbance." Threatens Harmony before disappearing into the bathroom. I sigh as Ric continues to cry and I turn to the couch and say, "Blayze," I get no reply and I call out his name again. "Blayze!" I walk to the couch and find him fast asleep. Um, I don't think so. You're telling me when I have these babies within me he's going to sleep through the night while I get up and care for them like all those other moms?! I don't think so!

"Blayze get up now!" Blayze jolts awake and looks at me frightened. "What's wrong?" His voice startled.

"You're sleeping! When the twins are born you are going to need to start practicing how to stay up and care for them because I'm going to be sleeping."

"I believe it's the woman's job to feed the child when it begins to cry at night."

Blayze immediately realizes his mistake in his words and he starts to explain himself but I walk out of the room with Ric in my arms. He is absolutely wrong. Why should the woman sacrifice her beauty sleep? She needs sleep to have the energy to care for the child during the day. Both partners must share the work of caring for a child. If I knew he would let me slave over him, the kids, and this house I would have never given him the chance to get me pregnant. I turn around to see Blayze at the door. He walks towards me and he motions for me to give him Ric. I hand Ric to him and Blayze places him on his chest and starts to hush him rubbing circles on his back. "I'm sorry Suzette. I didn't choose my words wisely. I'm so tired I can barely think."

I can't stay mad with Blayze. I hug him from the side since my belly is now too big to hug from the front. "I forgive you. Now you go to sleep since you have work later and you know you aren't a nice person when you don't get enough sleep or eat. You get fussy like a toddler." He rolls his eyes at me but smiles afterward before handing back Ric. He kisses my lips goodnight and leaves the room to head back to our bedroom to sleep. I stay with Ric until he finally falls asleep. I walk back to the room and lay him down in his crib. He doesn't stir and I let out a puff of air before turning to the bed to see my husband asleep with the kids on him. I smile and climb into bed. I pull Harry close to me and he rolls to me stills sleep and cuddles into my arms. I peek at the time to see it's almost four in the morning. I sigh and I quickly drift off into deep sleep.


I open my eyes to hearing Ric crying again. I sit up and look to see it's 8:22 in the morning. I climb out of bed and tend to Ric. I head downstairs and prepare his baby bottle filled with Haelyn's breast milk. I warm it up and check the temperature before feeding it to him. He quickly starts to drink from his bottle and I head back upstairs. Blayze and the kids have left the house. Blayze took the kids to school and is probably on his way to the office. I enter the bathroom with Ric's baby carrier in hand. I finishing feeding Ric and I make sure to burp him. I gag as he spits up on me and I'm glad that I have a small towel on my shoulder. I place him down in the carrier and put Ric inside. I need to take a shower but I don't want to leave Ric alone.

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