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3th person POV

Laura Harrington
Younger sister of Steve Harrington.
Never the popular sibling honestly.
She was on a different school and didn't really have friends, ofcourse she knew some people but she would never call herself close to them.
Troy didn't really leave her be neiter.
She cared deeply for her brother, she loved her mom but her dad.... that was a whole other story.
He would yell at her and just get mad for nothing.
Then one day she heard about Will Byers, the kid who got lost in the woods.
She wanted to know more about it but Steve, being the protective mom he is, didn't let her.
After finding the body wich turned out to be a fake, they finally found the kid back.
Laura didn't like her school and her parents finally allowed her to go to the same school as her brother...

Laura walked around in her new school, a new place, new friends.
She saw a group of boys, a tall one with black hair, a short one with brown hair, a taller one with brown hair and a middle height one with brown curly hair.
She knew exactly who they where, The Party

Not thinking, she just walked up to the group
"Hi" she said softly as they turn around
"Hey?" The taller one with black hair said
"Aren't you Steve's sister?"
"Yep! Laura Harrington, it's very nice to finally meet the famous party" the young girl said smiling
"Well it's very nice to meet you too! I'm Will, these are Mike, Lucas and Dustin, but you probably knew that" the short one with brown hair, named Will, said with a smile on his face
"How come we've never seen you before?" Lucas asked
"Well i used to go to a different school and never had lots of friends" Laura chuckles
"We can be your new friends" Dustin said smiling
"I would love that"

Laura became closer to the party, she got to hang out with them wich she loved.
She also started hanging out with another girl, Max.

"So your gonna tell me that there isn't anyone in the party that you like?! Bullshit!" Laura said with a small giggle
"There isn't! I mean, they are nice and i like them b.." "but you love Lucas" Laura finished Max
"What? No i-i don't!" Max said looking down, her cheeks getting red and a small smile growing on her face
"Yes you do!"

One day, they also told her about everything that was going on, Mike didn't feel like it at first but he knew that they could trust Laura.

When she found out, she became closer to Will, she felt horrible for him, Will was, what she called him, her tesoro.
Wich meant 'treasure'.
He made her feel happy, safe.
She felt like he was someone to keep close.

"hi miss Byers!" Laura smiled as Joyce opend the door for her
"Well hello Laura, you know you can call me Joyce" Joyce said smiling as Laura walked in
"Oh hi Laura" Jonathan said who was busy with his camera
"Hey" the girl waved
"He's in his room" Joyce said
"Is he doing okay?"
No one answered, they just looked down.
Laura walked over to Will's room and opend the door a bitt
"Hi Tesoro, can i come in?"
No answer
She opend the door more and walked in before clossing the door behind her, Will dat on his bed, staring into nothing.
The girl walked up to him and sat besides him
"I...i'm scared"
The small boy said in a weak voice
"I know, it's okay, but your gonna be okay, i promise"
"What if your wrong?"
"I'm not"
"B..but it hurts, it's like i'm losing, it's growing" Will said with a broken voice, tears in his eyes
"I'm not gonna let you go" Laura said as she pulled him into a hug
"I..i'm sorry"
"Don't be"
After a few minutes of hugging and crying while repeating "it's okay" and "sorry" all over again, they pulled back

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, i can't lose you, your my Pedacito de Cielo" Laura said as she lays her hand on his cheek
"W..what does that mean?" The boy asked with a small spark in his eyes
The girl smiled before answering as her cheeks grew red
"It means small piece of heaven"

I am still silently hoping that time has made a mistake and has already reserved a moment for us to meet again

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