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Things we're clearly getting worse.
Not knowing where the others we're exactly, Laura joined the others to the lab

The doctors or however they call themselves, where doing some tests
Only Will's family was allowed to be in the room at that moment.
Laura sat in one of the halls with Mike
"He's gonna be okay" the girl said while looking down some tears falling down her face
"Ofcourse he is" Mike said as he looked up at her
"But Mike, he forgot, he forgot me, what if he will never remember me again, he's my best friend"
"Hey, he's gonna remember you, i'm sure of it"
"We're not gonna lose him right?"
"I'm not gonna let anyone take him from us, i promise" the boy said as he came closer to her.
Laura places her head on his shoulders slowly as Mike placed his head on hers after as they sat in the halls in silence as they held eachothers hands

But it got worse,
They got trapped inside.
When the doors where back open.
They had to leave.

That was all that she could think of
She was scared
Scared to lose someone
Or herself
"We're almost there!"
Just a step forward
Before one of them jumped up, Laura falling on the ground.

The monster right above her,
it was the worst thing she had ever seen, feeling it's breath in her face, inches away, dirt coming out of the things mouth on her face.
But Laura didn't say anything.
she felt like it was impossible to move.
It was like a nightmare.
A nightmare where she wasn't able to do anything.
It came closer.

Till Bob, pushed it off of her.
"Go! Go now!" He screamed
She didn't want to leave him.
Not with that.
But she was in shock and just started running outside.
She ran past the other till someone stopped her
"Hey, hey your okay, your safe" Mike said before pulling her in a hug
"I-it was gonna k-kill m-m-me" Laura said as tears fell from her face
"But it didn't, alright? Your here with me, we're okay" Mike said softly before a car came up

Everyone left.
To the Byers' house.

It was close, something was outside.
There we're many sounds outside, till there was nothing.
A girl came in.
"Shit" Dustin said under his breath
Mike started tearing up, and so did the girl.

They decided to let some people go with Will and Hopper with Eleven, wich left the kids and Steve alone.

"What happend?" Steve asked Laura.
The others where talking so they could talk tho
"N-nothing" Laura said looking down
"And you think i believe that?"
No answer
"Laura please, Tell me what happend, you've been acting weird"
"Weird? Yeah m-m-my friends we're almost k-killed! I was a-almost killed! Bob d-died because of me!" At that point, Laura started tearing up.
Steve stood infront of her before pulling her close.
"I'm sorry"
"It's n-not your f-f-fault"

After Billy came in and started fighting with Steve, wich he didn't handle well, they made up a plan, Steve didn't like it but it's not like he had much of a choose.
When they where in, not everything went good.

"Okay we have to go now!"
Everyone started running as fast as they could
Till they heard a scream
"MIKE! Are y..you okay?!" Laura asked as he kneels down besides him
"Yeah, ofcourse" he said
She pulled him up from the ground and pulled him with her as they ran

It was over.
They where finally safe.
Will was back home, everything was good.
It was time the Snowball

Laura and Dustin sat in Steve's car together, Laura was wearing a blue dress, Steve said it looked good on her.
"Okay so no alcohol, no drugs, No smoking and no sex, okay?" Steve asked, what a mom.
"S-Steve nothing is g-gonna happen, i'm w-with the o-others remember?" Laura giggles
"Yeah that makes me worry about the last one" he mumbles
"Trust her" Dustin said laughing

Laura got inside, Dustin a short time after her.
They met up with the party

"Well hello g-gentleman" Laura smiled as she walked up to Will, Lucas and Mike
"Hi Laura" Lucas said smiling
"You look great" Mike smiled
"W-well thank you, so d-do you g-guys" Laura said smiling as a small blush came on her face before looking over to Will
"You l-look handsome too" Laura said with a soft smile
"You look beautiful" Will said smiling.

After a while Max asked Lucas to dance wich made Laura give her a smirk
"Hey zombieboy, wanna dance?" A girl asked
Will looked confused but went with her.
Laura felt happy for him, but also not, she also felt hurt for some reason.
When Eleven walked in, who looked beautiful, Mike walked up to her to dance, it was adorable.
Laura was alone, she got up and looked around for Dustin, who was dancing with Nancy.
Laura always liked her, when Steve was really in love with her, her and Laura spend some time together, Dustin looked happy wich made her smile.

After a while of sitting alone, someone walked up to her and took her hand
"W-w-what are you d-doing?" She asked clearly confused.
"I would rather dance with you" Will said with a soft smile
"Your so sweet" Laura said while blushing
"What do you expect me to do? Your my ammu" he said, his face getting red
"W-what's that supposed to mean?" She giggles
"Happiness" he said under his breath.
There they where, dancing, everything was good.

"So your leaving for summer?" Will asked after a while
"N-no, i'm staying n-now but next year i'm going to m-my aunts house" Laura smiled
"i'm gonna miss you"
"Awh i'm gonna m-m-iss you to, but t-th-that's just next year, but when i'm at my a-aunt's house you and the others should visit m-me!" Laura smiled
"Ofcourse we will" Will said smiling
"Good that" she said smiling softly
"And don't replace us uh!"
"I could n-never" she laughed
"Where does your aunt live exactly?"

"Derry, Maine"

I regret the ending, how things could have been

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