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A day after Laura met the group of boys, she decided to walk around town again, she missed her friends and brother a lot but didn't want to call them, as she had been thinking about the fact that she could ruin their summer for some reason, at least that's what her aunt told her.

Laura walked around town slowly while looking around, it was different from Hawkins.
she had her backpack where her Walkie Talkie was in, Dustin found a way to make it go far enough for them to call from Hawkins to Derry.
After walking for a while she saw something, it looked like a cat, it ran down into the woods, without actually thinking, Laura followed it.
After a while she didn't see the cat anymore, she heard some people talk, knowing the voices, she walked over.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mom?" She heard a boy say, Richie.

"Sometimes yeah" another boy, Eddie, said.

As they where talking, Laura walked up to them slowly, as Eddie was talking to Richie it was her perfect time to go over

"Then you probably have crabs"

"That's so not funny!"

"Yeah, so not f-funny" Laura said smiling while shaking her head as she placed her hand on Stanley's shoulders who stood next to Eddie.

As she said that, they jumped, well, Eddie screamed like a little girl, Stanley started shaking a bitt and Richie also screamed before laughing, Bill was just watching.

"WHAT THE HELL" Eddie screamed

"W-w-what are you doing here?" Bill asked

"I could a-ask you the same t-thing" Laura smiled before Richie and Bill walked in the greywater

"Aren't you guys coming in?"

"Nuhu! That's greywater!" Eddie said shaking

Laura giggles before looking up to Stan, he was a bitt taller then her but not much, he was still shaking a bitt wich made her feel bad for scaring him.
She removed her hand from his shoulder and took his hand as she tried to calm him down.
"For what?" He asked as he looked down to her and slowly stopped shaking.
Laura didn't answer but turned back to Richie.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me señior" Richie said in the worst accent while holding a stick.
"Have you ever heard of a staph infection?!" Eddie screamed
"Oh i will show you a staph infection!" Richie said before throwing something at him wich made Eddie scream like a little girl.

"Guys!" Bill shouted while holding up a shoe.
"D-don't tell me that's..." Stanley said with a voice crack.
"N-no, G-Georgie wore galoshes"
"Who's sneaker is it?"
"Betty Ripson's..." Richie said

Laura was without releasing, still holding Stan's hand, she zoned out, what happend? What happend to those people?

After a while, she snapped back to reality

"I mean, no offence Bill but i don't wanna end up like Georgie..." Eddie said while shaking his head as Bill looked down a bitt
"I don't wanna go missing either" he said finishing.

Missing? What's happening here in Derry? Maybe it's not so different to Hawkins after all

As Laura thought about the people go missing in Hawkins, she held Stan's hand tighter as a light blush came on his face.

Out of nowhere a boy fell down in the water behind them

"Oh shit what happend to you?!" Richie said

I would never choose to forget you, even if someone swore to give me a mind with happier memories

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