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Today was the big day, school was over in Hawkins
For as far as Laura knew, school would be over in Derry tomorrow so that would be a great day to explore.
Laura was still the same after everything that happend, but also not.
She has the party now, and she didn't let anything walk over her again, whenever someone or something would hurt someone else she would do anything to help them.

Laura was hanging out at Will's house with The Party, till her aunt and Steve came up.

"That's m-my go" Laura said with a weak smile as she stood outside of the house
"Yeah, i'm gonna miss you" Dustin said
"We all are" Max said
"One by o-one" Laura smiled sticking one finger up.
She walked up to Hopper first and gave him a hug before doing the same with Joyce.
"Be safe alright?" She asked
Laura saw Jonathan smile and them and walked over as she pulled him in a hug
“don't die” he said as he messed up her hair
“can't promise” she said and chuckled

One by one, Nancy, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Eleven and Mike, before turning to Will who just ran outside.
"What w-was that a-about?" Laura asked with a small giggle
"This" he smiled and give her a little box "open in in the car okay?"
"Okay" she said before pulling him into a hug
"See you soon"
They pull away slowly giving eachother a small smile.

Laura walked over to her brother who pulled her in a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you so much angel" Steve mumbles
"I'm gonna m-miss you tho protector"
They made those nicknames for eachother when they where younger, she would make him smile when no one did.
He would always protect her whatever happend.
"Please stay safe"
"You t-tho"
"And you know the drill, no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking and no.." "sex, y-yeah i know m-mum" Laura laughed
"Did you just...did you just say sex?!" Steve said pulling away
"Bye Steve" the girl smiled as she got into the car
"Oh god i'm gonna miss her" Steve said to himself under his breath.

After driving for a while, Laura decided to open the box Will gave her.
It was a necklace with a small walkie talkie and a circle with 'the party' on it, a smile grew on her face beforing turning the circle around, it said
'pedacito de cielo'
Yeah....a small part of heaven

The day went by pretty good, Laura got to unpack her bags and went off to sleep pretty early so she could go to explore the next day, that's exactly what she did

Laura was riding her bike around Derry, it was a pretty normal place, well pretty normal if you think about Hawkins.
School would be out today in Derry, so it would be nice to see everyone come out off school.
Laura set her bike next to some other bikes bikes the school, she played with the necklace that Will gave her for a bitt before people started walking out.
There where some groups, some like Troy's, some like the Party.
That's when a group of older boys walked into another group of boys around her age.
One of the boys with curly hair fell down to the ground another boy took something from him wich looked like a Kippah, while the other older boys where talking to the other kids.
Laura didn't hold herself back and walked over to them, the boy with black hair threw the Kippah into the buss as the other boy tried to get up.
"That w-was honestly h-horrible" Laura said frowning.
"Oh look, is this B-B-Billy's sis?" a guy with brown hair asked as he came closer to her, "Well i'm Henry, let's pretend i care so who are you?" the same guy said with a smirk on his face.
"L-leave her alone B-Bowers" a boy with brown hair said.
"You get to go now okay, but i will get to you, i promise" Henry wispers in her ear
"See you later, fags" Henry said to everyone before Storming off with his gang.

"Well thanks for that hot stuff, i'm Richie, these are Eddie, Bill and Stan" a boy with black hair and huge glasses said
Laura stood there a bitt in shock as the others said hi

"Can't take your eyes off of me doll face?" Richie said smirking
"Y-you just look a l-lot like my f..friend"
"What's your name?" Eddie asked
"Oh yeah right, s-sorry"
"I-it's okay" Bill smiled
"Well i'm L-Laura, Laura Harrington"
"Are you new here?" Stan asked
"K-kinda, i'm staying with m-my aunt for the s-s-summer to get some time and r-rest" Laura said smiling weakly as she thought about everything that has happend
"Time for what?" Richie asked while fixing his glasses.
"Just some t-time, take my m-mind off of things"
"What kind of thi.." " Richie" Stan said with a chuckle
"What?" Richie mumbles.
"Well it was nice to meet you, maybe we will see you later?" Eddie asked
"Ofcourse!" Laura smiled before taking her bike.
"Great! S-see y-you later" Bill said as they started to drive off on their bikes.
A boy, Stan, looked back before going in another street, Laura waved at him and he gave her a smile in return.

Don't forget, somewhere between hello and goodbye, there was love, so much love

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