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After the Losers and Laura arrived back in the town itself, Eddie, Bill and Stan walked in a shop to get some stuff to fix the new kid, Ben, up a bitt, wich left Richie, Ben and Laura outside

"Glad i got to meet you before you died" Richie said looking down at Ben who looked down to.
"At least it wasn't you're pretty face" Richie smirked as he looked up to Laura
"Right" Laura chuckles
"What where you doing there anyways?"
"I was w-walking around, see how D-Derry is, maybe find some f-friends"
"Well, you found us"

After a while, the other came back, Eddie started to clean Ben up a bitt as another girl joined

"You have to suck the wound before you apply the Band-Aids, this is 101" Richie said
"You don't know what your talking about" Eddie said, clearly being annoyed.
"S-Stanley? Who's B-Bill t-talking to?" Laura asked not really loud as she leaned over to Stanley
Stan turned his head before looking back at Laura
"Beverly Marsh"
"Oh o-okay..."
"Stanley?" Laura asked again before looking down
"Is-is it okay if i c-call you S-Stan, l-like the others?" She asked, being a bitt scared for his reaction
"Ofcourse it's okay" Stan said as he smiled at her wich made Laura return a smile.

"Are you okay? That looks like it hurts"
Beverly Marsh, the first thing coming up to Laura's mind was the fact that whoever she was, she was really pretty.
"Oh no, i just fell"
"Yeah right into Henry Bowers" Henry? The same guy from the school? Laura thought
"S-shut it, R-R-Richie" Bill said
"Why? It's the truth"
"Are you sure they got the right stuff, to fix you up?" Beverly said with a wink.

Oh boy

"Y-y-you k-know w-we will take care of him, t-thanks again B-Beverly" Bill said, awh
"Sure, maybe i'll see you around"
"Y-yeah w-well we w-we're thinking about going to the Q-Q-Quarry tomorrow, if you wanna come"
"Good to know, thanks" Beverly said before waving and walking away

"Nice going bringing up Bowers infront of her"
"Yeah dude you've heard what she did"
"What did she do?" Ben asked before Laura could
"More like who did she do, from what i hear the list is longer then my wang" Richie said as he grabbed a part of his own shorts for a second and smiled to Eddie.
"That's not saying much" Stanley said wich made Laura let out a small laugh.
"T-there j-just r-r-rumors" Bill said
"Anyway, Bill had her back in tird grade, they kissed in the school play, the reviews said you can't fake that sort of passion" Richie said.
"Now pip-pip and tally-ho my good fellows" Richie said in the worst British Accent "i do believe this chap requires our utmust attention, get in there, DR. K come on, fix him up!"
"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einstein, because i know what i'm doing and i don't want you doing that British guy with me right now" wow Eddie, shot is fired Laura thought
"Suck the wound! Get in there!"

"Uh guys, i-i gotta go h-home" Laura said giving them a small smile
"If you want, you can come to the Quarry tho, tomorrow" Stan said with a smile
"W-will be t-t-there" she said before waving at them and walking home

Time skip to the next day brought to you by a Demogorgon singing in the shower

The next day Laura was riding her bike on her way to the Quarry while talking to the others on her Walkie Talkie.
"Steve's working there" Dustin said
"Yeah and we always get to go to the movies" "for free" Lucas and Max said
"So his an i-ice cream boy n-now?" Laura giggles
"What a suprise uh" Mike laughed
"I'm gonna try it out one day tho" Eleven said
"You would love it Laura! There are these amazing movies playing and we would go to eat ice cream and play D&D together! I miss you so much!" Will said, he sounded excited and happy but also pretty sad, after everything that had happend to him he kinda forgot to actually have fun.
"Awh t-that sounds s-s-so cool! I m-miss you t-to!"
At that moment a girl came on her bike driving next to you
"Well hello! Your going to swim with The Losers Club to?" She asked with a smile
"Y-yeah, i guess s-so" Laura giggles
"I'm Beverly by the way" Beverly said smiling
"I'm L-Laura, it's n-nice to m-meet you"
"Hello? Earth to Laura" Lucas said
"I think she's death" Dustin laughs
"Oh she better not be" Steve said from far away
Beverly gave Laura a confused look
"I'm s-sorry guys, i will c-call you l-later!"
"Okay, bye Laura" Mike said
"Hear you later!" Will said
Laura smiled before putting her Walkie Talkie in her backpack.
"Who where they?" Beverly smirked
"Just my f-friends from h-home"

When the girls arrived together they saw the Losers standing in their underwear, what looked like they went shopping together.
"Who's going first?" One of them asked while looking down
"We will!" Beverly said as she undressed
Laura smiled and undressed tho before taking her hand and runner to the side before jumping in together
"Sissies!" They screamed
"What the fuck!" Richie screamed back

When they hit the water, it felt good at first.
Laura closed her eyes but when she opend them under water she saw something, it was like a Demodog getting closer to her face, she started yelling under water before coming back up.
Her breath was heavy and everyone was looking at her
"Are you okay?" Eddie asked as she placed his hand on her shoulders
"Are you sure?" Stan asked

Some nights i wish i could go back, not to change anything, just feel a couple of things twice

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