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After what Ben said, the Losers went on their way to Ben's house, on the way, Ben was talking to the others, but leaving Stan and Laura a bitt behind

“hey Laura” Stan said awkwardly as he looked over to her “can i ask you something?”

Laura looked up to him and smiled softly “ofcourse, w-what's up Stan?”

“well when you where talking to your friends from Hawkins there was this guy, you called him your tesoro” Stan said as he frowned a bitt
“oh y-yeah, it means..” “treasure, i know”

Honestly Laura was a bitt suprised he knew what it mean, but also happy that he did
“but why do you call him that?”
“well, a lot h-happend to him, to all of us, b-but he stayed strong, after a-all of it”

“what happend?”
“y-you w-wouldn't believe me if i told y-you, but if what w-we are hearing from Ben is the t-truth about Derry, then it's not very d-different then Hawkins” Laura said as she looked forwards again and sighed.

They had just arrived at Ben's house and everyone started to run inside, as they did so, Eddie tried to drop his Bike but instead fell over, Laura walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder as he stood up “are y-you okay?” she asked “yeah, everything is alright” he said with a nervous smile, Laura smiled back and looked over to the door as they started walking, she saw Richie, he was standing in the door way, he was looking at Eddie, not laughing because he fell, but more in a loving way, but got snapped back to reality as Eddie and Laura got closer to the door and they ran upstairs tho.

They walked inside and there where plenty of black and white photo's on the wall, Laura leaned over Stan's shoulder as he leaned down to look at some photo's
“cool uh” Ben said
“no! No, nothing cool” Richie said as he looked around
“well this is cool, oh no, no it's not”
“what's that?” Stanley asked as he pointed at one of the letters
“uh that, oh that's the Charter for Derry Township”
“nerd alert” Richie said as he looked at Eddie and fixed his glasses
“no actually, it's, it's really interesting, Derry started as a beaver shop again” Ben explained
“still is am i right boys?” Richie asked as he held his hand up to the other boys, making them look at him and Stan shaking his head as Laura and Beverly where still looking around.

“91 People signed that charter that made Derry, but later that winter they all disappeared without a trace” Ben continued
“the entire camp?” Eddie asked
“there are rumors of Indians but no sign of an attack, everybody just thought it was a plague or something but it's like, one day everybody just woke up and left, the only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well house” Ben said, which made Laura nervous, what if the Upside Down also had a gate in Derry? But Eleven closed it? Laura had no idea what could be going on, but she was scared, to lose someone again, to get in the same situation.

She blacked out, till she heard Bill's voice.
“w-w-where was the well house?”
“i don't know, somewhere in town i guess, why?”
“nothing” Bill said as he looked at the missing posters
He clearly didn't ask it for nothing.

As they looked around for a few more minutes, she started getting flashbacks to a day Will didn't turn up to school, he didn't call, none of his family came by, they didn't know anything, they where just waiting for him in Mike's basement, that was actually the day she became closer to Mike.

As Laura flinched she got a look by Stan, he didn't look weird at all, he looked rather worried, he took her hand, he didn't say anything, he just took her hand and continued looked, which calmed her down.

The most beautiful part is that i wasn't even looking when i found you

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