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After a swimming, playing games and Eddie almost drowning Richie, they all got out of the water.
When they where done Laura sat down on a rock besides Stanley who gave her a smile.
"So Laura, tell us something about you" Beverly said as she sat down next to her
"W-what do you want t-to k-know?" Laura said smiling
"What is your life like?" Ben asked.
"It's o-okay, i live in H-Hawkins with my f-family, i've g-got an amazing o-older brother and i h-have amazing friends t-there, i'm h-here on a vacation at m-my a-aunt's house" Laura said smiling to herself
"So the fantasy maker ain't got a boyfriend? Tragic" Richie said smirking who still didn't have his glasses on.
It was weird seeing him like that.
"I-uh-d-n-uh.." Laura didn't know how to respond, ofcourse it was no but hearing that from him looked as if Mike Wheeler was saying it.
"Your staring babe" Richie said before putting on his glasses.
"S-sorry" the girl said while looking down

"W-what's t-that on y-y-your -neck?" Bill asked as he pointed to the scar and the necklace.
"Oh it's n-nothing, and t-this is from m-my friends, it's to remind me of them, w-e call ourselves 'The P-Party'" she said smiling.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS" someone screamed what caused them to Jump up a bitt.
Eddie took a Walkie Talkie out of one of the bags, Laura's
"It's starting in 30 minutes calm down Dustin"
Everyone looked over to Laura, clearly confused
"Uh..y-yeah t-that's The Party" she chuckles
Eddie hands the Walkie Talkie to her and they all looked at her
"Wassup fuckers!" Richie screamed as Laura pressed the button before Laura could say anything
"T-that wasn't M-Mike! It w-was a f-friend!" Laura said laughing
"Oh hi Laura!" Eleven said
"Hi El" Laura smiled.
"So you found friends uh, don't forget our promise, please" Will said, it's sounded like he was joking but Laura could hear that he was being sirius
"O-ofcourse not t-tesoro" Laura said smiling
"Tesoro?" Stan asked himself while frowning.

"Oh hi sis! How are you doing there on your well deserved vacation?" Steve said clearly taking Dustin's Walkie Talkie away.
"G-great i found s-some people named The Losers Club, t-they are r-really nice" Laura said smiling to Bill
"I'm happy to hear that! Remember, no Alcohol, no drugs and no sex uh!" Steve chuckles
"S-Steve! I'm w-with p-people!" Laura said awkwardly while the others laughed
"Got to g-go, b-bye guys! H-have f-fun!"
We heard some mixed voices say goodbye before laying the Walkie Talkie away
"S-s-so, their y-your f-friends?" Bill asked
"Y-yeah, they are" Laura smiled.

Time skip

Now when Laura and Beverly where laying down the boys where clearly staring at them, till the two girls turned their heads, ofcourse.
Laura let out a small chuckle before Richie started talking.
"News flash Ben, schools out for summa!" He said as he was looking in Ben's backbag.
"Oh that? That's not school stuff" Ben said before Richie took out a letter.
"Who send you this?" "No one, give it" Ben said as he snatched the post card back from Richie.
Everyone watched as Richie took out some folders

"What's with the history project?" Eddie asked
Laura stood up and sat down behind Eddie, next to Stan.
"Oh well, when i first moved here i didn't have anyone to hangout with so i just started spending time in the library" Ben explained
"You went to the library...on purpose?" Richie asked
Everyone started handing the folders around
"I wanna see" Beverly said as she walked over tho and sat next to Bill.
"What's the black spot?" Stanley asked.
"The black spot was a night club that was burned down years ago"
"Y-y-your hair..." Bill started as he was looking at Beverly, awh
"Your hair is beautiful, Beverly" Ben finished
Poor Bill.
"Oh yeah, thanks" Beverly said with a short smile as she sticks a part of her hair behind her ear before Bill Handed the folders back to Richie.
"Why is it all murders and missing kids?"
"Derry is not like...any town i've ever been in before"
"S-s-sounds like H-Hawkins" Laura wispers to herself
"What?" Stan asked looking at her
"I-i didn't mean t-to say t-that out l-loud" she said as she looked down

"And that's just grown ups, the kids are worse" they heard Ben say as they listen again.
"Way, way worse" silence, silence was the only thing you could hear.
"I've got more stuff, if you want to see it" Ben said.
"No" Eddie wispers softly as he shook his head, Laura placed her hand on his shoulder what made him look up at her as she gave him a small smile that he returned.

I just wish i could lose these feelings as fast as i lost you

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