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The day they where all at Ben's house not much more happend really, Laura went home soon enough, it was still light outside at least, that's why the other Losers where still at Ben's.

Laura was a few streets away from Ben's house and heard a few noises behind her, she was too scared to Look back till the moment someone took her arm.
It was a tall boy with light blond hair, she remembered him from somewhere but couldn't come up from where.
“this fell out of your backpack” the boy said as he handed her a photo of The Party, she took it from him and put it back in her backpack “oh shoot, t-thank you” she said with a weak smile.
“you okay?” he asked in a worried tone
“yeah ofcourse, w-who are you if i may ask?”
The boy chuckled as smiled at her a bitt as he puts his hand out to her “i'm Victor, Victor Criss”
Laura frowned a bitt but did return a smile after all and she shook his hand “well i'm L-Laura, Laura Harrington”
He smiled at her but had a smirk on his face too as he took his hand back.
“why are you here alone anyways? It's getting dark soon you know” he said
Laura nodded softly as she looked up at him “yeah i'm w-walking to my aunt's h-house”
“your not from here, are you?”
“no i l-live in Hawkins but i'm here for s-s-summer”
At that moment Victor looked away before looking back at her “uh, i should go now, and you should too”
Laura frowned and looked over to where he was looking at first, she saw the guy with a mullet and two others who where bullying the Losers a while ago.
Laura looked back up at Victor and nodded quickly “alright uh, b-bye” she said before walking further away quickly, hearing him reply from far away “yeah, see you later, maybe”.

Honestly he wasn't acting bad, he was pretty nice but the thing was, was he really?

As she was walking faster she heard some stuff in the woods next to hear, she looked back but didn't see anyone of the guys, the sounds became kouder, it was kinda like a Demogorgon, Laura started to panic till she saw something in the woods, it was a red balloon floating slowly, she stopped and saw it coming closer, singing of young children filled her ears, she panicked and ran, looking back every once in a while seeing that it was coming closer and closer.

She ran as fast as she could, before running into someone who was clearly taller then her, she fell to the ground and hides her face in her hands as her hands where shaking and she tried to get her breathing normal again, she felt a hand on hers and backed away “it's okay! Your alright!” the male voice said, she let him take away her hands from her face as she slowly looked up to him kneeling infront of her “what happend?” Stan asked as he looked at her clearly worried and held her hands
“i-i don't- you wouldn't b-believe me” she said as her breathing became normal again
“i will, i promise”
“it w-was like, all these s-sounds from b-back in H-Hawkins and there was t-this red b-balloon and t-” “hey calm down, did you see anything?” he asked seeing that she was getting more stressed again
“okay good, i believe you”
“you do?”
“i saw something too, so yeah, let's get you back up and bring you home alright, it's getting dark” Stan said, Laura nodded before Stan helped her up and made sure she was standing good.

As they walked home, Laura showing the way every once in a while as she was holding Stan's hand, Laura was pretty used to holding hands with people in general, Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Steve.
Stan on the other hand wasn't used to holding people's hand at all.
“Laura?” Stan asked softly, which made her look up to him.
“what actually happend? In Hawkins, why you are actually here”
“you won't l-laugh?”
“ofcourse not” he said as he shook his head.
Laura took a deep breath and looked down a bitt
“in Hawkins, t-two years ago, my best friend W-Will went m-missing, i didn't know him back then yet, it turned out he wasn't just m-missing, he was stuck in the U-Upside D-Down, it's the s-same as our w-world b-but darker, and there are these t-things called D-Demogorgons and D-D-Demodogs and a M-Mind F-Flayer and when W-Will came back it was s-still in him and he f-forgoy who i was and then Eleven came b-back and B-Bob died and it was my f-fault he t-tried to s-safe me and that's w-why i got m-my stutter and then we ran away from the D-Demodogs and i thought i l-lost M-Mike and w-we don't know if it's gonna come b-back and i d-don't want to lose someone again”
And this point, Laura was crying, Stan placed her arm around her which caused her to stop walking and pull him in a hug, sobbing into his shirt
“it's okay, it's not your it wasn't your fault” Stan said softly, it actually hurted him in some way to see her like that.
“i'm sorry”

After a while of walking without saying anything, they arrived at her aunt's house.
“get some rest alright?”
Laura nodded
“thank you, for b-believing me”
“with what's happening here is real, i should believe you” he said with a soft smile which Laura returned
“see you soon, goodbye!” he said as he took a few stepts back and gave a small wave
“goodbye!” she said with a soft smile and walked inside

“𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒏”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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