Chapter 6

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The next morning, I wake up and immediately start preparing to leave. I double check that I have everything I need in my backpack. I then take one last shower in the bathroom since I don't know the next time or if ever, I will be able to take an actual shower. Once I'm done, I make myself breakfast and eat. I then walk to the hospital and walk in without being seen. When the coast is clear I walk to the medicine cabinet and grab all the supplies I need making sure not to take so much that the doctor notices.

I then walk back to my house and put all the supplies in my backpack. I then rest and take it easy for the rest of the day. About an hour before it starts to get dark, I eat dinner and then walk to where the weapons are kept. I walk over to the guy and say, "Rachel told me to return this gun." The guy nods and opens the door for me. I walk in and make sure he isn't looking and then grab another gun and some ammo.

I hide the gun and ammo in my bag and walk back to my house. The sun is starting to set at this point. I go through my list one final time to make sure I have everything. Once I confirm I do, I sit down on the couch and wait for it to be night. I wait a few hours after the sun has set before I grab my backpack and walk to the door.

I open the door to only to come face to face with Richard. Richard pushes me back and I end up falling onto the ground. Richard and two guys from his posse pull out a gun and point them at me. Rachel then comes waltzing in and looks at me. Rachel tsk and asks, "Why would you even try?" I just stare back at her with an emotionless face but on the inside I was freaking out. "You had so much potential, you could have gone so far here" Rachel sighs and says, "What a shame, I had such high hopes for you. Oh well, Richard."

Rachel walks out as Richard hits me in the back of the head with his gun. I come to in the prison where I first woke up in, tied once again to a chair. I groan as I look around, having no idea how long I was out for. The door opens and Rachel walks in. I just stare at her with no emotion. "I really didn't want to do this to you" Rachel says. "Then let me go" I say. "No can do Clarke" Rachel says, "Look, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. It is all up to you."

"You gonna kill me also" I ask, "Do it, because I'll never become one of your pawns." "Why are you making this so hard" Rachel asks, "And who said anything about a pawn? You would become my right hand man." "Tempting" I say, "But that's gonna be a hard pass." "I know you don't exactly like or trust me right now" Rachel says, "But hear me out." "That's an understatement" I mumble and then say, "Not like I have a choice here."

"You will stay here, become my new captain of the guards and my girlfriend" Rachel says, "And in return you become second in command, only having to answer to me and you will be somewhere safe." "And if I say no" I ask. "Then you choose the hard way" Rachel says. I pretend to think it over, "Ya...that's still gonna be a hard pass." "Fine" Rachel says, "The hard way it is."

Rachel walks out of the room closing the door behind her. I'm not sure how much time passed before Richard and his posse walk into the room with all sort of what I'm guessing is now a day equipment for torture. I keep a straight face to not give them that satisfaction. Richard's posse begins to set up everything while he walks over to me and smirks. "The only rules are I can't kill you and I only stop when you agree to Rachel's terms" Richard says, "Let the games begins boys."

I didn't know how long I was down there for or when they would torture me, all I knew is that when I finally caved and agreed to Rachel's terms, I vowed to make them and Rachel pay for all the pain they caused me. I later came to learn that I was down there for several months and it took me almost a year to fully heal. However, I would always have the scars and memories to remind myself of all the pain and suffering I was put through.

Once I was fully healed, Rachel made me captain of the guards and second in command. I used that power and position to start looking for my brother and sister, hoping that they were still alive. And at least I was somewhere safe, and I didn't always have to watch my back. That was the good part of the deal, the bad part of the deal was that I had to date Rachel.

Rachel's little insurance policy she had in place so that I wouldn't back out of the deal was that she would tell everyone I was infected and show them the bite mark. Also, whenever I went out, Richard always went with me, to make sure I wouldn't run away.

I would only go along with Rachel's deal til I found my brother and sister. Once I found them, there would be hell to pay. Rachel, Richard, and his posse would pay for everything they put me through, and I would burn New Havens to the ground.

My name is Clarke Smythe, and this is my story.

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