Chapter 14

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Sorry for the late update, been dealing with things.  Next chapter coming soon.

Using this momentary distraction, I push one of my guards into the pathos pit. I duck as the other guard swings at me. I turn and kick him into the pathos pit. I charge the closest guard that was assigned to Shannon. I tackle him to the ground and we start fighting, one of us trying to gain control. Out of the corner of my eye I see the other guard starting to point his gun at us. I let the guard I am currently fighting gain control.

I wrap my chained hands around his neck and throw him over me as a gun goes off. The guard falls into the ground dead. The other guard gets pushed into the pathos pit. I look over and see Isabell standing by Shannon. I start searching the dead guard and find his keys. I quickly unlock my chains and do the same for Shannon. I drop the keys and grab the gun from the dead guard. "Let's go" I say to Shannon and Isabell.

We make our way to my house running from a horde of pathos. "Get in the house" I yell at Shannon and Isabell. They hesitate before running into my house. I am about to get run over when Mason takes out a number of them. I run into my house slamming the door shut. "Grab what we need" I say, "We are leaving." "Now" Isabell asks. "Its now or never" I reply, "If we wait then Rachel will have Shannon and I killed. Then she will go back on whatever deal her and Dave made and kill you two."

We each grab a bag and walk out the back door. We start making our way to the gate as quiet and slow as possible trying to draw as little attention as possible. We reach the end of the houses and the gate is across the patho and guard invested street. "What do we do now" Isabell asks. "We are going to have to make run for it" I say. "We will never make it" Mason says, "Pathos and guards will be trying to kill us." "Then we need a distraction of some kind" I say.

After a minute Mason says, "I got it, wait here." Mason runs off. "Just sit tight and wait for mason to do whatever he is going to do" I say. A few minutes later, we hear some car horns go off. "Let's move" I say. We start running and get blocked by a group of guards. "It can never be that easy" I say, "Can it?" I throw a knife at one of the guards and tackle another one. The majority of guards come to help the one I tackled while a few go after Shannon and Isabell.

Shannon and Isabell quickly and easily take care of the unsuspecting guards then come and help me. By the time we have dealt with the guards Mason returns to us. "Ready" Mason asks. "Been ready" I reply. "Don't move" Dave says as I hear him cocking a gun. I put my hands up and turn around to see him pointing a gun at us. "Mason you traitor" Dave says. "Its better than being a mindless slave" Mason says. "I'll just have to kill you to then" Dave says, "Come over here Izzy."

"No" Isabell says. "Come on Izzy" Dave says, "I don't want to hurt you." "Too late" Isabell says, "You already have. And for your info, its Isabell." "Fine" Dave says and points the gun at Isabell. "No" I yell and tackle Isabell to the ground while Mason tackles Dave. Dave and Mason begin to fight over the gun when the gun gets fired. They stop fighting immediately and look in the direction the gun was fired.

I look down at my arm and see I got grazed by the bullet, "That was close." "Clarke" Isabell says. I turn around and see her holding her blood covered stomach. "Is" I say holding her. "Oh my god" Dave whispers dropping the gun, "I'm so sorry Isabell." "Clarke" Isabell says, "Please." "I'm so sorry Is" I say crying, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." "Its not your fault Clarke" Isabell says, "I love you, please don't let me turn into one of those things." "I love you too" I say, "And I won't."

"Good..." Isabell whispers, "You take care of Clarke, you hear me." "Always" Shannon says kneeling next to us. Isabell smiles, closes her eyes, and stops breathing. I cry into her shoulder and Shannon rest a hand on my shoulder. After a minute I wipe my eyes and grab a knife. I stab her in the brain to keep her from turning. "This is all your fault" I say turning to Dave being held down by Mason. "Its all your fault" Dave says, "If you hadn't plotted against Rachel and had just accepted your punishment, she would still be alive."

"If you hadn't ratted me out Isabell would still be alive" I say. "What are we going to do with him" Shannon asks. "Knock him out and leave him somewhere safe" I say, "That's what Isabell would have wanted." Mason picks Dave up and Dave head buts Mason. Mason falls to the ground holding his hand. Dave walks over to us and pushes Shannon to the ground. He holds a knife to my throat. "I am going to enjoy this" Dave says, and I just smile, "You won't be smiling for long."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that" I reply. "And what is that suppose to mean" Dave asks. "Why don't you ask them" I say pointing behind him. Dave asks, "What is that-" Dave stops talking and starts screaming in pain as three pathos start to eat him. "That's what I meant" I reply. I take care of the pathos while Shannon makes sure Mason is ok. "Answer me this one thing" I say to Dave, "Why? Why did you betray us?" "I betrayed you because you're not my sister and were going to get us all killed with your crazy plan and Rachel deserved someone better than you."

"What do you mean not your sister" Mason says. "Wait" Shannon says, "You like Rachel?" "Clarke here was adopted, why do you think mom and dad treated you differently and I never liked you" Dave says, "And yes I like Rachel. Now put me out of my misery, you know Isabell would have wanted that." "I'm doing this for Isabell and not you" I say, "You're an asshole, I hope you rot in hell." I stab him in the head.

"Clarke" Shannon says. "I'm fine" I reply, "Lets get out of here before someone else finds us or we get over run." Shannon and Mason look at each other and then back at me. "Ok" Shannon says. "Lead the way" Mason says.

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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