Chapter 13

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It is now two thirty in the morning. Shannon and Isabell are on the couch sleeping while me and Dave are double checking we have everything we need. "Are you sure about this" Dave asks, "I mean here we are safe and can live a somewhat normal life, out there there are no certainties." I look at Dave and raise my eyebrow, "Dude, the only reason I stayed here for so long was because of you and Isabell. Now that I found you-er you guys found me, I am getting my revenge and getting the hell out of here."

"Ok" Dave says dropping it. I study Dave for a few seconds before I say, "We should wake the girls up, its almost time to leave." Dave walks over to Isabell and I walk over to Shannon. I gently shake Shannon until she wakes up. She groans and blinks her eyes open. "We are leaving shortly" I say. Shannon nods standing up and stretching. Shannon and Isabell use the next ten minutes to wake up, before we gather everything.

We walk to my back door. "Alright" I say, "I put the newer guards on guard duty so it will be a little easier to sneak out. Remember be quiet and follow my lead." They all nod their heads. I open the door to only come face to face with Rachel. "Shit" I say. "You don't seem to learn from your mistakes" Rachel says, "Why would you even try again Clarke?" Rachel takes a few steps forward and I take a few steps back.

A group of guards walk in and surround us. "Drop everything and hands behind your head" one of the guards says. Not wanting them to get hurt, because let's face it Rachel doesn't care about collateral damage, I drop my bag and weapons then put my hands behind my head. Isabell, Dave, and Shannon follow my lead. "Well at least you learned one thing" Rachel says as two guards grab each of us.

I just glare at Rachel trying to figure out a way to at least make sure Shannon, Isabell, and Dave make it out of this predicament alive. "I must applaud your act Clarke, you had me fooled" Rachel says, "But for every action there are consequences." "Just let us go you bitch" Isabell says, "You can't force us to stay." "Oh, on the contrary I can" Rachel says, "You see these guards, they work for me. What ever I say goes and if you speak one more time, I will tell one of my guards to silence you."

"They have nothing to do with this" I say, "Just let them go." Rachel snaps her fingers and a guard walks out of my room with my plans. Dammit, this isn't going to end well. "So, they weren't going to sneak out of here with you" Rachel says, "And then they weren't going to help you burn New Havens to the ground?" Shit. Come one Clarke think or she is going to kill your only family left and the girl you are falling for.

"That's what I thought" Rachel says, "Now what am I going to do with you four?" "Let them go Rachel, they had nothing to do with it" I say. "Here's what I'm going to do" Rachel says, "Even if I have you tortured again until I break you into agreeing to whatever I say, you will still plot a revenge plan. So even though it breaks my heart, I'm going to lock you up, tell everyone that your infected, and then feed you to the pathos. Before that, I am going to make you watch your girlfriend get tortured."

My eyes go wide and I look a Rachel in shock. Shit, how did she find out? "Yes Clarke, that's right" Rachel says, "I know about you and your...plaything." That's when I star struggling against the guards and Rachel just laughs. "Thank you for telling me everything, this will not go unrewarded, guards" Rachel says snapping her fingers. The guards release Dave and Isabell. I watch in shock as Isabell and Dave are released. What...they would never betray me.

"Thank you, Dave" Rachel says. "Just doing my job" Dave says. Actually, this makes complete sense. Dave has never been my biggest fan and he had been acting dodgy the last few days. "Dave..." Isabell says in complete shock. "It was the only way to keep you safe" Dave says. Isabell says, "But Clarke-" "Shouldn't have been going behind the chosen ones back" Dave says interrupting Isabell. "Take them away" Rachel says walking out of my house. The guards start to drag me and Shannon away. Dave and Isabell can be heard arguing in the background.

The guards drag me and Shannon to the prison and throw us into separate cells on the opposite end of each other. The guards walk away laughing. Shit. Shit shit shit. I was finally going to escape. Dammit, I was finally going to be free of Rachel. I would be with my brother and sister and the girl I am falling hard for. I was finally going to get my revenge. Then Dave had to go and stab in the back. Because of him me and Shannon are going to die slow painful deaths.

And knowing Rachel, she probably will go back on her deal after she sentences me to death and have Dave and Isabell killed. Dammit...I'm sorry Isabell, I'm so sorry. Oh god Shannon...words can not begin to explain how sorry I am. I hear the door opening and look over to see Mason, one of the guards that are loyal to me, bringing me food. An idea forms in my head, it's a long shot, but at this point this is the only way any of us will make it our alive. "Mason" I say, "Come here."

Mason hesitates for a few seconds before walking over. I whisper my plan to him. He looks at me like I'm crazy, and I have to admit, I am. "Please Mason, please" I beg him, "You know what will happen if you don't." After a few seconds Mason nods, "Ok." Mason then leaves and I pray this works. Over the course of time before Rachel condemns me to death, several guards that don't like me give me a piece of their mind.

The next morning, I wake up bloodied and bruised, struggling to walk to the center of town. A guard shoves me down on my knees in front of Rachel. I look up and see Shannon standing on the other side of Rachel looks unharmed. "People of New Havens" Rachel says to the crowd, "I have gathered you here today with some shocking news. Last night we apprehended two traitors that wanted to kill me and burn New Havens to the ground. My captain of the guards Clarke Smythe and her assistant Shannon Aims."

The people are shocked, then some start booing us and throwing curses and insults at us. It takes a few minutes for the guards to quiet everyone down. "It has also come to my attention that Clarke is infected" Rachel says lifting up my shirt to show everyone my bite mark. Everyone gasps. "So with all this said I sentence both of them to death by pathos" Rachel says as the crowd cheers her on, "Shannon first." The guards grab Shannon and start to drag her off. I then kick the guard to my left off the stage and punch the guard on my right. I run to Rachel and wraps my chained hands around Rachels neck. "Nobody move or this bitch dies" I say loudly.

Everyone goes still and the guards draw their guns waiting for the right opportunity to shoot me. "Clarke" Dave says walking up but stopping a few feet before me, "Release her and except your punishment traitor." "If anyone is a traitor and deserves to die" I say, "It's this bitch." "Clarke" Dave says, "This is your last warning." "Well if you shoot me, you shoot her so..." I say, "Your precious chosen one is a traitor, let me tell you what she has done since I've arrived. She had Adam killed because he chose the lives of all the other runners over mine. She had Vera killed because we had feelings for each other. She had me tortured for months until I agreed to basically be her puppet."

Everyone is murmuring to each other. "She has had countless others killed if they so much as looked at her the wrong way" I say, "I've done everything in my power to save as many people as I could. And I did and still do want to burn New Havens to the ground, only to end her reign of terror." There is an explosion to the West of us and I smile. Mason did it. With that momentary distraction, Rachel elbows me. This gives enough time for Dave and another guard to grab me.

Rachel slaps me across the face. "Feed Shannon to the pathos and make Clarke watch" Rachel says, "Then put her in her place and then feed her to them." "Yes, chosen one" the guard says. "And someone go investigate that explosion" Rachel says. "Yes, chosen one" another guard says. The guard runs to the West side of New Havens while me and Shannon get dragged to the pathos pit. The guard that left earlier comes running our way waving his hands followed closely by Mason. "Pathos" the guard and Mason yell. Everyone starts screaming and running in every direction.

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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