Chapter 5

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It took basically all day to walk back to New Havens because of my foot. When we arrived the sun was setting. The guards let us in and told us to wait. A few minutes later the guard along with Rachel walk over. Rachel says, "Get Adam. Now." The guard runs off. "What happened" Rachel asks. I explain to Rachel what happened, leaving out the part where me and Vera kissed and I considered staying here.

Adam walks over and says, "You wanted to see me." Adam sees us and goes pale. "I-I can explain" Adam says. "You and I will have a talk later" Rachel says, "Guards." A couple of guards take Adam somewhere while Rachel takes me and Vera to the hospital. The doctor runs several tests on me and Vera. The doctor walks out of the room to talk to Rachel leaving me and Vera alone.

Vera says, "We really didn't talk about this earlier, but I really enjoyed last night and would really like to see what it could become." I say, "Me too. Why don't you swing by my place tonight?" "It's a date" Vera says. "I'll see you later" I say. Vera walks out and Rachel and the doctor walks in. The doctor fixes up my foot and walks out. Rachel says, "I am so glad your ok." "Thanks" I say, "I'm really tired, I just want to sleep."

I walk back to the house and see Vera waiting. We walk in and Vera makes dinner. We talk while we eat and get to know each other better. "So, I've made up my mind" I say, "After my foot heals, I'm going to leave, would you come with me?" "I'll come with you if that's what you really want to do" Vera says, "But all I ask is that you to still consider staying here." "I'll think about it" I reply. The next morning, we had breakfast together and then Vera went to work.

1 Week Later

It has been a week and I haven't seen Vera since that morning. I'm starting to get worried. I'm leaving in a few days and I need to talk to Rachel about that, maybe she knows where Vera is. I walk over to Rachel's office. Right before I knock I hear someone talking with her. "I took care of it" a guy says. He sounds familiar. "Excellent" Rachel says. "Here are their weapons" he says. That's Richard, what are they talking about?

"No one saw any of you leave or return and no one knows right" Rachel asks. "No one saw any of us leave or return" Richard says, "And no one knows except for us." "Excellent" Rachel says, "You better not say a word." "I know how to keep my mouth shut and who not to make enemies of" Richard says, "And I don't want to make you an enemy."

"You can leave now" Rachel says, "I need to go find Clarke." Did Rachel do what I think she did? She has been acting weird since I came back from the supplies run but she wouldn't...would she? I really hope I'm wrong about this. I burst into the room and they both look over in my direction. "Clarke" Rachel says, "I was just about to go find you." "Tell me you didn't" I say. "Didn't do what" Rachel asks. "Did you or did you not kill Vera" I ask. "Now why would I kill one of my own people" Rachel asks.

I look at the desk behind them and my eyes widen. I see the weapon Vera used and the badge Adam was wearing that made him the captain of the guards. "You did...and Adam too" I say, "Why?" "Adam left you for dead" Rachel says, "And Vera was becoming a threat to the community." "To the community or you" I ask. Rachel says, "I only had the communities best interest in mind-" "The community or your best interest" I ask, "I was honestly thinking about staying, but now as soon as my foot is better I'm leaving."

I walk out of Rachel's office and back to my house as fast as I can. Once I make it back, I quickly start to pack my bag. This placed was messed up, well more like Rachel and her lackies, and I didn't want anything to do with it. Even though I would have preferred to leave in a few days when my foot was fully healed, I needed to leave tonight. The last thing I wanted was to be forced to stay here.

I finished packing my bag and made my way to the door. I turned the knob and I thought of something important. I then realized that I should probably take some medical items and medicine for my foot in case something happened. But on the other hand, this might be my only chance to get out of this place and if I didn't leave right now I might not get another chance. But if I left tonight and injured myself, I would be as good as dead.

After weighing my options, I decide to stay one more day. I would sneak into the hospital and get the supplies that I would need in case something happened. Then tomorrow night I would sneak out. I hide my bag and settle in for the night. I just hope at the end of the day that I made the right choice.

Looking back now I wish I hadn't threaten Rachel and just left that night. I quickly learned shortly after that that you don't want to make Rachel an enemy. Little did I know that this would be the third biggest mistake I would make.

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