Chapter 7

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The doctor after examining me for any other injuries ends up taking the bullet out of my arm and then stitching me up. Which might I add sucked and hurt like hell because I couldn't take anything to numb the pain and I'm terrified of needles. Once I'm all stitched up, the doctor wraps my arm and tells me to be careful and to keep an eye on it to make sure it's not infected. I thank the doctor and walk outside. I sigh and look around. It's been three years since that fateful day, the day I agreed to Rachel's deal. I shake my head and slowly walk to Rachel's house.

A walk that would normally take a minutes and half, three at most I turn into a twenty-five minute walk. Instead of going straight to Rachel's first, I stop at my house first. One to mentally prepare myself for what is to come next and two to cross off the area on the map I was just searching in hopes of finding my brother and sister. If I don't find them in the next few weeks, I'm going to do what I promised three years ago to do since Richard won't be able to watch my twenty-four seven.

I reach Rachel's house and just walk in, since Rachel hates it when I knock. After a quick not to thorough search, I don't see Rachel anywhere. Smiling and shrugging it off, I grab a water from the fridge and take a seat on the couch. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and Rachel walks into the room a few minutes later. Rachel says irritated, "Why didn't you come find me?" "I just got here and my arm is killing me" I say playing the pity card and not wanting her to know that I wanted to prolong this for as long as possible.

Rachel goes from irritated to worried. She walks over to me and sits on my lap, "My poor baby." "The doctor said I have to take it easy til it heals and to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected" I say, "So I'm not going to go on any runs or security patrols while I'm healing. I'll just relax at my house and do training and quarterly reviews." "Why did you even keep that house of your live here" Rachel asks.

"Well, I've kept that house for if and when I find my brother and sister" I say, "Also to hold official guard meetings so that we don't bother you and to store the things you don't want in this house." That is true, but its also my escape from Rachel because I can only put up with her for so long. Additionally, it contains any and all plans involving my revenge. Plus, weapons all the weapons I have been stockpiling over the years in case something goes south.

"Why don't I cook dinner and then we can head down to my office to finalize the plans for the fourth anniversary of New Havens tomorrow" Rachel says, "Then we can have some fun when that's all done." I mentally groan, then I catch my bandage out of the corner of my eye and mentally smirk. Thank you, Richard, wow that's a sentence I thought I would never say...or think. "Sure, whatever to the first part of what you said" I say, "But unfortunately we can't have any, my arm."

Rachel pouts and tries to look cute, but I try not to cringe. "We definitely will when my arm heals" I say. "Good" Rachel says smiling then turning serious, "Who shot you?" "Who do you think" I say, "Richard." Rachel's face hardens and she says, "He will pay." While Rachel is making dinner and talking about god knows what, I fall asleep. I am woken by someone shaking my shoulder. "Dinners ready" Rachel says. I nod and get up. We eat while Rachel talks about something. I occasionally nod so Rachel thinks I'm listening.

Once we finish dinner, we walk hand in hand to Rachel's office. We greet everyone we pass, and I let people know I'm alright. When we reach our destination, I hold the door open for Rachel and she thanks me. We walk hand in hand to the meeting room, where the rest of the commit is waiting. Rachel takes her seat at the head of the table and I take mine at her right. Rachel starts the meeting. After three hours, the New Havens Fourth Annual Festival meeting is finally over.

We say goodbye to everyone and head back to Rachel's house. Instead of having some fun which I'm so grateful for, we play a game. The game ends when Rachel wins and then we go to bed. I wait an hour to make sure Rachel is really asleep before slipping out of bed and getting dressed. I walk out of Rachel's house and to mine. I go over to the fridge and pull out a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade. I walk upstairs and open my bedroom window. I climb out and onto the roof.

I sit down on the edge and open the bottle. Looking up at the stars, I sigh and take a few gulps. I run a hand through my hair. "I will find you, wherever you are" I say, "That's a promise." I then pour one out for Isabell and Dave.

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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