Chapter 1

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Pain, exhaustion, and fear is all I am feeling as I run through the woods. My breathing is labored and my throat is dry. But I can't stop, I need to keep going before they find me. If they find me, I'm as good as dead and I can't die yet. I can't die like this, not after everything I've been through. I need to make it back to what is now my home, but in reality, it is a prison. I am almost there, just another mile or so to go.

I keep on running while keep an eye on and listening to my surroundings so that I am not taken by surprise. In the world I live in you can never be too careful. I am now about half a mile away or so. This is really stupid and probably will bite me in the ass, but I need a quick break to catch my breath. I stop running and lean against a tree.

After a minute of labored breathing, I catch my breath. I then look down at my arm. "Shit" I mumble, "I need to stop the bleeding." I take off my belt and wrap it around my right arm above the gunshot wound. I tighten the belt. That will have to do for now until I can get back to prison. I look around and don't see anything. I listen and don't hear anything. I take off again.

I have barley taken five steps when I am tackled to the ground. I start fighting for my life. I get a good punch off that connects with his nose. I stand up and go to kick him when both of my arms are grabbed. I struggle to get out of their grasps, but I can't. The guy I punch stands up and says, "You will pay for that." He punches me in the face several times. "Let's go find the boss" he says.

The two guys that have my arms begin to drag me off. I can't let them take me to their boss. I see my solution coming from my left. The one guy is too busy trying to get in contact with his boss and the two guys are too busy with me. Rule one, always be aware of your surroundings. I head butt the guy to my left. He yelled out in shock and let go of my arm. He falls to the ground and is over run. His screams of agony will attract unwanted company for miles, I have to move fast.

The other two are still in shock. I grabbed the arm of the guy that still had my arm and flipped him over on my back. As soon as he lands on his back, he was also a goner. I run at the last remaining guy and kicked him in the head. It was so hard that it knocked him out. As soon as I landed, I ran back towards prison.

I can see the gate and guard towers. I pushed myself even more, I just wanted to be somewhere secure, even if it was there. I heard the click of multiple guns and stopped dead in my tracks. I raised my arms in the air and turned around. I'd say it was a shocker, but it really wasn't if I'm being honest. It was Richard, the boss as he goes by. Richard smirks at me evilly and says, "Look what we have here boys, the chosen one will be very pleased." Richard gives a signal and one of the guys ties my hands together. "Your making a big mistake" I say.

He just laughs and shoves me towards prison. I just comply and start walking. I was going there anyways. They follow me with their guns still pointed at me. We make it to the gate and Richard says, "Open up." The guards on duty look between each other unsure if they should. I hold up three fingers. One of the guards shouts a command. The gate then opens. We all walk in.

Once everyone is inside, the gate closes. We stop walking. Richard says, "We would like to speak to the chosen one." One of the guards walk off. A few minutes later, the guard comes back with a girl. "Richard" the girl says, "Your back earlier and why is my captain of the guards your prisoner?" Richard says, "Remember how I told you something was off, well I was right." Richard pulls up my shirt on the right side of my body, exposing the bite mark.

"Don't want the pathogen spreading, now do we" Richard asks. "No, we don't" the girl says, "Good job. Guards." Two guards grab me and take me to the side. Richard walks over to the girl. "Congratulations" the girl says as Richard smiles, "For showing your true colors." "What" Richard asks confused.

Richard's group of four people are all taken down and laying face first on the ground. A guard is holding each one down. "What's going on" Richard asks. "I did tell you you were making a mistake" I say. Richard says, "But-" I shoot him in the knee and he falls to the ground. "You know what to do" the girl says. The guards nod and drag Richard and his group away.

The girl slaps me in the face. "You idiot" she says, "What were you thinking? No, you weren't thinking." "Well hello to you too" I say. She slaps me again and then pulls me in for a kiss. I force myself to kiss her back and pretend to be into the kiss. "Meet me after you see the doctor" she says and walks off. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. My name is Clarke Smythe and welcome to New Havens.

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