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We heard the battle beneath us as we ran. Wanda and I were standing by Clint as he was talking to Tony. He shot a arrow and Tony blew it up.

"Ha, made you look." Clint said confusing Tony.

Wanda starting making cars from the garage start falling on him. They all crashed down on him and he fell down. Me and Wanda started running towards a garage area that had a plane in it that we were gonna get on.

Steve and Dad came running towards the plane. Vision used the stone in his head to make the buildings in front start collapsing. Wanda used her powers to keep it up for us. When we got in she let it collapse but she got stuck outside of it. We got on the plane and Took off. Tony and Rhodey started chasing the plane. Vision accidentally shot Rhodey out of the sky and Tony tried to catch him but failed. I felt bad. I was so exhausted after the fight that I fell asleep.


It has been close to a year since the day of the big fight. Everybody gets along great even Tony and dad.

We all live in the Avengers Tower together. All was good.

I had a secret I have never told anyone EVER. Not even dad knows. I'm scared he will get rid of me for it or he hated.

I used to be a test subject for Hydra from the day I was born till about a month before Dad found me in the woods. Your probably thinking back then you said your parents died the day before he found you. Well no that was a lie. I escaped them and was hiding and living in the woods.

I've been feeling different lately and I don't know why. I feel it has to do with the old Hydra tests finally working. I think it about time I tell everyone. They won't get rid of a 6 year old, right?

"Dad, Avengers?" I said walking into one of the many lounges we have in the tower. Everyone was sitting on the couches and chairs talking.

"Yes?" Dad said while everyone looked up at me.

"I think it's about time I tell you all my secret. I never told you this because I was scared and still am." I said nervously. Everyone looked at me with a confused expression.

"Everest, are you okay?" Steve now asked.

"Yes, well no. When I was born I don't remember but I think my mother gave me up to Hydra or I was kidnapped, who knows? They did all these tests on me and nothing ever happened. I escaped about a month before dad found me. I lied and told him my parents died the day before he found me because I didn't know him. For all I know he could have been a Hydra agent, which I was almost correct about. Now all of the sudden I have been feeling different. I'm scared there tests are starting to work." I said looking around at all their shocked faces.

"Why didn't you want to tell us this sooner?" Dad asked after about 2 minutes of silence.

"I was scared you would think I was a freak and get rid of me." I said looking down.

All of their faces softened from the shock when I said those words.

"We would never." Dad said getting up and hugging me. After a few seconds everyone else got up and started hugging me also. It turned into one giant group hug and I started crying.

This is my family


We are now sitting around in the lounge talking about our old memories. Dad was explaining little things he remember from back in the 40's. Steve was also telling the stuff he didn't remember.

I explained a little of the memories I had with Dad before all the avengers since anything else was the little bit of things I remember of Hydra.

It was getting late that we all went to bed.


In the morning I got up and went to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw Sam sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey." I said grabbing a banana and sitting across from him.

"Hey, little dude." He said. That is what he calls me and I think it is funny, I can't help but smile.

We sat in silence for the rest of the time we were eating.

We walking into the lounge and sat down putting in a movie to watch.

We were watching the movie when Steve and Tony came in fighting about something.

They were yelling and it was getting on my nerves. They were fighting for about 10 minutes before I had enough.

"STOP IT!" I yelled and next thing I know they were both in the ground.

I turned around and saw Sam looking at me with wide eyes.

"What just happened?" I asked scared.

"YOU HAPPENED!" Tony yelled at me making me flinch.

"Wha- What do you m- mean?" I asked getting really scared and confused.

"You just through us on the ground from standing over there." Steve said before Tony could say anything.

I looked down at my hands and noticed they had like a blue energy coming out of them. I started shaking and crying. I fell to the ground and screamed.

Dad came running into the room and noticed my hands. He ran over to me and hugged me.

"Get away from me. I'm a freak. I'm gonna hurt you." I said sobbing.

"No you aren't." Dad said not letting go of me.

Wanda came into the room and saw my hands and noticed what happened.

"I know what's wrong with her."

Winter's Child ✪ Bucky Barnes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now