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"I know what's wrong with her." Wanda said.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"She got powers from Hydra. She has the same powers as me. They did the same test to her they did to me except she didn't volunteer for it." Wanda explained. Everyone seemed to understand but I didn't, I was to scared.

I seemed to calm down a little after hearing that but I still didn't understand. Wanda volunteered for the tests? Who would do that? Obviously Wanda. With that I fell asleep because I got so exhausted from crying.


When I woke up I walked into the kitchen. Dad, Steve, Tony, and Wanda were sitting in the kitchen talking. They stopped when they saw me.

"Hey your awake." Steve said. I smiled tiredly.

"Hey we were just talking and Wanda said she will teach you how to use and control your powers." Dad said. I looked at Wanda and she smiled.

"Okay when do we get started?" I asked.

"Whenever you want." Wanda said.

"How about right now? I wanna be able to control them before I hurt someone." I said looking down.

"Okay lets go." Wanda said standing up. 

We walked into a training room and got started. 


It has been 2 years since I found out about my powers. I can control them now. Since I'm only 8 the avengers let me go on easy missions with dad, Steve, or Wanda. I have been training everyday to fight and use my powers. 

My ninth birthday is coming up in a week and I am excited. I want my own suit for missions. Right now I go on missions in my training clothes. I also want to go on harder missions also. I can fight and use my powers. If I am in danger I can just use my powers to create a force field but I'm still not allowed to go. 

I want to go on the missions where we take down HYDRA because I want to get my revenge after what they did to me and dad. I want to help rescue hostages. I want to fight bad guys. I want to use my powers and I want to use them for good not for what HYDRA gave them to me for. I'm not HYDRA's little pawn anymore. They can't play with me like their toy. They don't get to use my abilitys to kill they are only going to be used to take down HYDRA.

I am done with being babied.

"I'm officially done being babied." I stated walking into the lounge where everyone was seated.

Everyone looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked.

"I want to help take down HYDRA. I wanna get revenge. I wanna help rescue people. I wanna fight bad guys. I wanna go on harder missions." I said proudly with everyone looking at me. 

"Well we were gonna wait for your birthday but..." Dad turned to everyone. "I think we should tell her now." Dad stated.

"Okay. We made you a suit or well I made you a suit." Tony stated proudly. "We are letting you come on the harder missions BUT you have to stay with one of us." Tony said. 

"WAIT, REALLY?" I yelled happily.

"Yes." Steve said. 

I looked around the room and everyone was smiling.

Winter's Child ✪ Bucky Barnes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now