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"Who's ready to get this day started?" Dad said.

"Me!" I replied taking the hat off his head and putting it on my head backwards.

"I thought that was my hat?" Dad asked with a smile.

"It is but you might wanna get used to this." I replied.

"I want my hat." Dad whined.

"Come on let's get this day started." I said.

"What do you wanna do?" Dad asked.

"This is your day." I said.

"Okay why don't we-" He said before I cut him off.

"You wanna go kart? Okay let's go." I said running out into the elevator.

Dad just laughed but followed me. We called an Uber in advanced.


We arrived at a go karting place and I was jumping up and down. Dad was just watching me with a smile plastered on his face. I didn't notice, I was to excited about go karting. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the front desk.

"Will you be go karting or going to the restaurant?" The girl who looked about 17 asked.

"Go karting." He replied. I just was standing there with a huge smile on my face.

"How many people?" The girl asked.

"2." Dad replied.

"Name?" She asked. I didn't understand why she needed all this information for just go karting.

"Barnes." He replied. He expression changed.

"As in Bucky Barnes?" She asked shocked.

"Yes." He said.

"Um can I get a picture with you?" She asked.

"Actually I just want to enjoy this fathers day." He replied kindly.

"You have a kid?" She asked.

"Yes-" He said be for I cut him off again.

"Hi, Everest Barnes." I said holding my hand out.

She looked shocked.

"Um, well you can go sit over there at the moment we have to many people right now but you guys are next." She said embarrassed.


We finished go karting and went to get pizza. We were meeting the others at the pizza place. Clint was bringing his kids also.

We arrived at the pizza place and I sat between dad and Steve. We got a giant table because there were a lot of us.

The waitress and basically everybody else in the place noticed the avengers. They are hard to miss. So everybody was asking for photos and autographs. They all got up from the table to take pictures. I was left the only one sitting.

"Are you one of the avengers kids?" I was asked.

"Sorta." I replied quietly.

"What?" They asked confused. "Who's your parent?"

As if on cue dad turns around to face me.

"Hey sorry about all these people." He said to me. "Hello." He said to the person I was talking to.

"Can I have a photo with you?" The person asked.

"Sure." Dad said.

"Hey, you alright?" Steve asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?" I asked.

"You don't look fine." He said.

"I don't like all these people. This is supposed to be dinner not a meet and greet for the avengers." I said.

"You wanna go outside away from all these people?" He asked.

"Are you Captain America's Daughter?" Someone came up and asked.

"No." I replied laughing.

The person was confused to why I was laughing. I walked over to tell dad I was going outside.

"Dad?" I said trying to get his attention but he didn't notice he was happy meeting him and the avenger's fans.

"Dad?" I said louder and he still didn't notice.

I just gave up and walked outside with Steve.

"I just wanna go home." I said to myself but Steve heard.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asked. I didn't say anything I just nodded.


I was sitting in my room when I heard a knock at the door. Then they came in.

"Hey, you worried me earlier. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Dad asked.

I just rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"What?" He asked.

"You don't think I tried. You were to busy with your fans that you didn't even hear me trying to get your attention. I just wanted to enjoy dinner with my dad and my family on this father's day but no I couldn't do that because you guys got bombarded by fans and then you come asking me why I didn't tell you." I said and he looked guilty.

"Sorry." Was all he could say.

"Of course you are." I said quietly.

Then he left my room. I fell to the floor crying. He heard, he stood on the other side of the door feeling bad but he couldn't go back in there so he told Wanda. Wanda went rushing into he room and pulled he into a hug while she sobbed. Wanda felt bad for the poor girl.

I realized I was still wearing dads hat. Out of anger I threw it at the wall beside the door. I soon realized the door was open and dad was still standing there. He had a hurt expression on his face. He quickly walked into the room and grabbed the hat. I was upset that he knew I was crying and didn't come to comfort me.

I was still sobbing in Wanda's arms when Steve came into my room and noticed. He took Wanda's place in calming me down. Steve was my best friend and he could always calm me down but right now that seemed impossible. Dad was still standing in my doorway. He looked guilty and hurt. I soon came to a realization.

We have never fought before.

(Yeah ik this is rly stupid and dramatic but I have no more inspiration so I put whatever I freaking thought of so ❤️)

Winter's Child ✪ Bucky Barnes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now