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I woke up strapped to a chair. I was confused at first then the memory's came back. I looked around and saw a man by the bed.

"Welcome back энергия." The man said.

"энергия?" I said.

"It's your assassin name like your father's is winter soldier but instead yours means energy." The man explained.

After the man went silent they heard someone yelling.

"EVEREST?!" I heard dad's frantic voice call out.

"IN HERE!" I called out hoping he could hear me. The man got up from where he was sat. He was getting ready for the fight ahead of him.

The door soon burst open and dad and Natasha were there. They took out the guy easily.

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" Dad asked rushing over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said as calmly as possible.

Natasha stood guard by the door as dad unstrapped me.

Once he unstrapped me we made a run for it to get to the quinjet. We eventually made it out but we had to fight a few guards first.

Once we were safely in the quinjet Clint took off.


Once we got back to the tower dad made sure I was fine. Fortunately I was.

"I don't think you should go on anymore missions like that." Dad said.

"But dad-" I wined before he cut me off.

"No buts that's final. I'm keeping you safe. You almost got kidnapped." He said.

I sighed in defeat then turned and walked back to my room.


It has been 3 years I have been going on missions for about a year. It took convincing and hardcore training but I finally got to go on them.

I am now 12 years old. I turn 13 in 9 months. I know a long time but still something to look forward to.

"Hey." I said walking into the lounge.

Natasha was sitting in there with Steve and Tony.

"Hey." They all said back.

"So my birthday is soon." I said. Tony snorted.

"More like 9 months." He said.

"Oh shut up." I said.

"Whatever." He said.

"Okay but Father's day is soon. I need someone to take me to get Dad a gift." I said.

"I will." Natasha said.

"Good because I didn't wanna do it." Tony said.

"Or I could do it also because Bucky is my best friend." He said like that was a big deal.

"But he is my father." I started back. "I pick Natasha to take me. Take that loser." I said laughing.

"Haha bye guys." Natasha said dragging me out of the room. "Where do you wanna go?" She asked once we were out if there.

"First ice cream and then Target." I said walking to the elevator.

"Ok miss." She said sarcastically stepping into the elevator.


We got to Target and started looking around for a good gift when we heard someone scream.

"OMG IT'S BLACK WIDOW." Then a bunch of people came and swarmed around her.

They were pushing me away. I soon got pushed to the ground away from the group of people.

"Natasha!" I shouted.

She didn't hear me.

I got up and tried to push through the group but that didn't work they just pushed back. I accidentally fell into a woman.

"Watch it little girl. Go back to your parents." The woman scolded.

"Excuse me. My parents aren't here." I said with sass.

"Aren't you a little young to be here by yourself?" The last asked.

"I'm not here alone, get your facts straight. I came to get my father a Father's day gift." I said.

"Then go running back to your stupid mother." She said.

"I don't have a mother." I said quietly.

"Not my problem." The woman said making me punch her in the face.

Everyone moved away from Natasha to look at me.

"Get this little girl out of here!" The woman shouted.

"Excuse me." I heard Natasha say before she came running towards me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

"Wait your here with that little girl?" The woman asked Natasha.

"Yes, now if you excuse us we are going to continue shopping so she can get her father a gift." Natasha said kindly.

"Are you the daughter of an avenger?" The woman asked.

"Not exactly." I replied before walking away with Natasha.


"Happy Father's day." I yelled running into dad's room startling him awake. I started laughing. He soon joined.

"Gosh, I feel old having a 12 year old stand in front of me saying 'happy Father's day'." He said. I gave him a weird look.

"Aren't you like 100 years old?" I asked laughing.

"Oh shut up." He said getting up.

"Surpriiiiiiiise!" I yelled handing him his gift.

He took the gift and opened it. He then looked up at me. Then he got up and hugged me. It was a hate that said 'i'm with you till the end of time.' I came up with it because it is like him and Steve's but it isn't the same. It is me and his quote. I had the hat custom made.

"I love this so much. Thanks you!" He said still hugging me.

"I hoped you would like it. I came up with the quote for me and you because it is like yours and Steve's." I said.

"I love it!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

I left his room to let him get ready while I went to get ready. When I was finished I went into the kitchen seeing Dad, Steve, and Sam talking and Dad was wearing his hat. I smiled to myself.

"Morning guys." I said to Sam and Steve since I've already talked to Dad today.

"Morning." They replied back.

"Who's ready to get this day started."

Winter's Child ✪ Bucky Barnes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now