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I woke up in a cold dark cell. I heard footsteps coming down the hall outside the cell. I didn't remember anything except when I was about 3 training.

"Good morning энергия." A man said.

"Where am I?" I asked scared.

"You're at HYDRA but don't be scared we will protect you. You will get to help us save the world. You will train and take out any of our threats." He said.

"Who- Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Aaron Strucker. My father used to run HYDRA then he was killed so I took over." He said.

"What is my name a- and how old am I? I- I can't remember." I said thinking hard.

"Like I said earlier your name is энергия and you are 12." He said.

"My name is energy? Really?" I said with attitude. Somehow I knew Russian.

"Yes, now get up you need to train." He said angrily.

"Train for what?" I asked.

"For missions." He said.


We walked down a few hallways. We arrived in a dark area with only a few lights hanging from the ceiling.

We walked into what I assumed was the training room. There was a door in the right corner of the room. There was one-way glass a foot away from the door. I assumed that was for the Aaron guy to watch the members train.

"Okay, we are going to see how well you can use your powers." Aaron said.

He pushed me forward then walked over to the door in the corner. A boy about my age maybe a year older walked in. I assume he has powers also.

He walked to where he was standing across from me. Do we have to fight?

"Ready? FIGHT!" Aaron yelled.

Nevermind that answers my question.

The boy charged at me and tried to throw a punch but I caught it with my powers. I don't remember how I know to use my powers so well.

I throw the boy at the wall. I hear him grunt from the collision. He immediately gets back up. He looks super angry so he comes back for another punch and I throw him harder at the wall knocking him out. Oops.

That was the end of my training. They carry the boy back to his cell. They take me back to my cell.

I go on my first mission soon. I have a little bit more training before. Something about killing the avengers, whoever they are. They also made me learn these words in Russian so I could say them to their close friend so he will come back.

It was all so confusing so I just zoned out, trying to remember when I was younger. I only remember being here.

I was tired from train so when I got to my cell I went to the cold darkest corner and curled up on the floor to sleep. There was nothing in my cell, not even a bed. I want to go back to my home from before HYDRA but I can't seem to remember it. Have I been at HYDRA my whole life?

Soon I fell asleep only to be woken hours later. I woke up to the sound of someone screaming for me to wake up. I jumped up from my corner. I saw Aaron holding an all-black outfit.

"Put this on." He said shoving the clothes in my hands and walking away.

By the time I got the outfit on he was back in front of my cell. 

"Come on you need to train. You are our most important asset." Aaron said. 

"Why am I important?" I asked.

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