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When we got to where we were going we got out of the car. It took a few hour so I slept. We walked into a room and I man was on the phone.

"Consequences, you bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that cause I just said, anything else? Thank you sir." The man said.

"Consequences?" Steve asked the man.

"Secretary Ross wants you both prosecuted, had to give him something." The man said.

"Not getting that shield back am I?" Steve asked.

"Technically its the governments property, wing too." A woman named Natasha said.

"That's cold." The guy who was standing next to Steve said.

"Warmer that jail." The other man said.

Later that guy who I learned was Tony came in and was talking to Steve. I wasn't paying attention cause I was watching the screen in the corner of the room which was the security footage currently of dad. They were hooking things up to the cell he was in and he had restraints on. I slightly heard Tony mention something about a prison and a psych center for my dad. I jus glared at him.

"Who is that girl?" Tony asked Steve.

"To be honest I don't know she was with Bucky when I went to where he was staying." Steve said and Tony nodded understandingly.

Soon I looked up at the screen and saw the most dreaded red book. They were gonna turn him into the winter soldier. I shot up and Steve and Tony looked at me.

"COME ON THEY HAVE THE BOOK! THEY ARE GONNA TURN HIM INTO WINTER!" I shouted and took off running and Steve and Tony were behind me.

Once we reached the room we were too late. By the time we got there he was the winter soldier. I was scared for my life when he came charging at us. I think he hit me cause when I woke up I was alone. I got up scared and found a flight of stairs and ran up them. I got to the room and threw the door open to see Steve pulling a helicopter down and inside the helicopter was..... Dad trying to leave me? I this and tears came to my eyes. I screamed and they both looked at me.

Next thing I know the helicopter hit the cement and hitting Steve. Winter shot his hand threw the glass and started choking Steve. I was sitting on the ground sobbing. They were fighting and then they fell off the building. I screamed and went running to the side to see if they were alright. They came up out of the water and Buck was passed out and Steve was carrying him out of the water. I found a way to get down and there and took off running.

"Is he okay?" I asked when I got down there.

"Yes." Steve replied.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Gosh today has been tiring. Steve noticed and picked me up. I must have fell asleep in his arms because when I woke up we were in some warehouse.

"Hey, Cap." Sam said.

Me and Steve went running the room where dad was waking up. His arm was stuck in the machine thing.

"Steve." He said.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked him.

"You mom's name was Sarah." He paused. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." He finished laughing making me laugh also. He looked up at me surprised. He must have not noticed I was there.

"Can't read that in a museum." Steve said looking towards Sam.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asked.

"What did I do?" Dad asked.

"Enough." Steve responded.

"Oh gosh, I knew this would happen. Everything hydra put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say those gosh dang words." Dad said looking at all of us. "Did I hurt her?" He added worriedly looking at me.

"You knocked her out but she is fine." Sam responded

"Who is he?" Steve said before Dad could say anything.

"I don't know." Dad answered.

"People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than 'I don't know'." Steve said making dad sigh.

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I kept. He wanted to know exactly where." Dad said.

"Why would he need to know that?" Steve asked.

"Because I'm not the only winter soldier." Dad responded. The moment those words left his mouth I felt my heart drop.

"Who were they?" Steve asked.

"Their most elite death squad. More kills that anyone on hydra history. And that was before the serum." Dad said.

"They all turn out like you?" Sam asked.

"Worse." Dad responded and that terrified me.

"The doctor, could he control them?" Steve asked.

"Enough." Dad said.

"Said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve said.

"With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, you'd never see them coming." Dad said.

"This would have been a lot easier a week ago." Sam said.

Then Sam and Steve started whispering to each other but I was to far away to hear.

By this point I was shaking in fear of these people. Dad noticed.

"Come here." He said to me.

I got up and walked over to him. He wrapped his free arm around me and held me tight. Now tears were streaming out of my eyes. I curled up into him and started to get calmed down.


We were in the car driving to an air port. When we got there we were meeting some people. I was told they were nice but I was to scared to car.

Once we arrived we parked by a white van. We all got out of the car as people were getting out of the car next to us. I didn't know what was gonna happen but I felt it wasn't good.

They were all talking to each other but I wasn't paying attention. Next thing I know there is a guy knelt down in front of me.

"Hey I"m Clint." He said nicely.

"I'm Everest." I said quietly.

"Did you know I have a little girl around you age who would probably love to play with you. You could come by our farm when this is all over." He said making me smile.

I looked up at dad who was looking at me. "Can I dad?" I asked.

"Of course you can, pumpkin." He said with a smile.

"Hi I'm Wanda and this is Scott." The girl said pointing at the guy talking to Steve.

"Hi." I said back.

We heard over the intercom that the air port was shutting down. Steve and Sam looked at each other. "Stark." They said at the same time.

"Okay you are gonna stay with Wanda the whole time and not leave her side." Dad said knelt down in front of me. I nodded and walked over to Wanda. She grabbed my hand and then we were off. We went a different way then the others. 

Winter's Child ✪ Bucky Barnes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now