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"Soldier?" He was asked in Russian.

"Ready to comply." He answered emotionless.

James Buchanan Barnes was also know as The Winter Soldier. He was brain washed and torture by hydra. He was sent out on missions to kill. He never expected what was to happen on this one easy mission.

He was in the darkness of the forest. When he heard a branch crack behind him. He turned around slowly to be met with the big brown eyes of a little four year old girl. She looked into his cold terrifying eyes in curiosity.

"Who are you?" She asked in her small sweet voice.

He ignored the small girl and continued to keep looking at her.

"Your arm is really cool." She said with a small smile, pointing at his metal arm.

He continued to look at her. He heard gun fire near by and saw the little girl jump. She looked scared but he didn't mind.

"Where are you parents?" He asked her finally speaking.

"They..They died yesterday." She spoke sadly.

He had been out on this mission for quite some time some of his memories were coming back. He had completed his mission about 5 minutes ago and was still talking to this little girl.

Hydra was telling him to come back. He then felt something in him telling him to grab the girl.

"Soldier come back. NOW!" The voice on his com said coldly.

"There is a girl. I'm bringing her back." He said.

He didn't hear anything back so he took the girl and started heading back.

"What are you doing? Put me down." She said yelling. She was scared.

"I'm taking you with me." He said trying to get her to stop squirming.

"Please, don't hurt me." She pleaded with him. Something in him made him feel bad. He was fighting the feeling but he failed and realized he was free from hydra.

"Hey, you are okay. We are gonna run. I'm gonna take care of you but we are getting away from hydra. They will hurt you. So stay quiet or we will both get very hurt." He said quietly to her and she nodded.

Bucky looked around him and saw the coast was clear and took off running for about half an hour before he came across a city in Romania. He knew he needed to find them a place to stay cause they were not safe on the streets.

She looked scared and confused. She was very young and was already on the run with a total stranger.

"What is your name?" Bucky asked her sweetly.

"Everest." She replied quietly.

"I'm Bucky. I promise we are okay I am going to keep you safe. You understand?"

She nodded her head looking around.

"Are you bad?" She asked.

"No I'm not I was controlled by really bad people. Those are the people I am saving us from. If I would have left you back there they would take you and hurt you." He said and she seemed to understand.

They have been walking for about an hour before they came across an old abandoned apartment building. Bucky picked her up and they went inside. They walked into an apartment

He set the small girl onto the bed. She curled into the blanket and fell asleep. Bucky looked the small girl sleeping and covered her up more. Bucky had found a backpack and some clothes and went into the bathroom and changed. He left Everest sleeping and quietly snuck out of the apartment. He put on a baseball cap and went to go find Everest clothes. He was already very protective of the little girl.

Winter's Child ✪ Bucky Barnes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now