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"I've had it up to here with your comments Jacob Black! I'm sorry if I'm hurting your little feelings, but how do you think I feel?! I'm just drawing all of this, just until last week, I didn't even know any of this existed!"

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"I've had it up to here with your comments Jacob Black! I'm sorry if I'm hurting your little feelings, but how do you think I feel?! I'm just drawing all of this, just until last week, I didn't even know any of this existed!"

"Then just go back to your normal life! Pretend it's all not real" Jacob stood up leaning on the table having his eyes at the same level as her own.

"I CAN'T!" She yelled

"Yeah, you can because there is nothing connecting you to us, besides those drawings" Jacob felt a strong pain at his words. He also noticed how hard it was to breathe and as he looked to the pack, all of them to also share the same feeling.

"I CAN'T GO BACK TO MY NORMAL LIFE BECAUSE IN THOSE DREAMS, IN THE END, I ALWAYS DIE!" She reached for her bag and pulled out the drawing of her and Jacob slamming it on the table.

"I drew this when I was five, and just like how I had stories for the others, there was one for us as well. Our story changed all the time, but it always ended with one of our deaths. Then now my dreams they stay the same, I ALWAYS DIE!"

Hearing Aniya saying Die twice had all of the wolves in the room feel pain. It physically hurt them just saying that one word.

"So, no Jacob, I can't pretend to not know any of this, when my dreams will not stop, and my death will always be the end of it. As much as I want this not to happen, there is still a chance it can, and my fate will always remain the same"

Aniya now had tears pouring down her face as she looked at him," You have no idea, how much I wanted this all to be a dream within a dream, and hope to god that right now I was in my bed, and this wasn't all real"

"Before I was okay with sleeping and with the dreaming but since I started seeing those ruby eyes, I fight my exhaustion because of how horrifying it is. They kill humans! They suck them dry! It's the same with the Cullens, sure they don't share the same eyes or have the same diet, but knowing that just associating with them could mean we become targets. just like what that Swan girl is doing"

"Don't talk about her" Jacob sneered as she had no sign of backing off the topic.

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" She mocked," Honestly, I don't care, just because I bad-mouth the girl you like. You know before she came into the picture, you and I used to be friends, but I can see we are far from that ever happening again"

"I'm sorry I can't like her as you do, but If you see it from anyone who knew what we knew, you'd realize just how foolish she is. She sticks with them, and what about her father? SHE IS PUTTING HER OWN FATHER IN DANGER EACH DAY! So, no I'm not going to stop talking about her, because in my dreams, she's clutched to one of those Cullens the entire time. I don't know about you, but how can I ever come to love someone who constantly puts her own family in danger. And seeing as you all might have to work with them, how about your own families? Swan had a choice from the beginning, and she made it. So, what makes you think, I can go back to my normal life Jacob? It's never going to be normal ever again, especially with knowing all of this," She scoffed at his silence as she grabbed her things and walking to the door.

"You know what" She let out a small laugh looking past her shoulder," Now that I think about it, maybe me dying like how I did in my dreams is for the best if it meant for my family and the pack to be safe and come out of it alive" with her final words she walked out of the house.

She felt bad not properly saying goodbye to the others, but right now she just couldn't.

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