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Have you ever had something so repeated in your head that you felt you were going insane? It's fine if you haven't. That just means you're normal. Ordinary. Safe. For those who have, you are not alone. The universe may be trying to convey a message to you. I remember waking up in a forest, the moon shining through empty space in between. I had no recollection of anything that had happened to me before this. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. I was wearing a navy blue jeans and a white blouse. Over the blouse was a brown cardigan with short brown boots. I wasn't dirty at all, as if someone had gently layed me down here. Around my neck was a dream catcher necklace made of soft brown material. A small metal charm in the shape of a star was attached to it. It oddly brought me a sense of serenity. It felt important. Very important. I stood up and staggered a bit. Ugh. My head. I put a hand on my head and felt something damp. When I looked at my hand I gasped. Red. Blood. I started walking around, hoping to find a river or small stream. One phrase repeated itself. Find him. I wasn't exactly sure who this person was. Is he important? Is he dangerous? Does he know who I am? My ears picked up on the sound of water. I followed it. My mouth was dry and I needed to figure out where I was. The leaves crunches under my shoes. It was so quiet around here. Not a soul in sight. I stumbled upon a small stream. A smile tugged at my lips. Thank you universe. I wobbled over to it. I knelt in front of the stream and took a sip after gathering some in my hands. I was so parched. I drank and drank. How long had I gone without water? The sound of leaves crunching behind me caused the hairs on my neck to stand. I whirled around. My voice abandoned me. I was scared out of my wits. I quickly rose. My hands immediately protectively wrapped around my necklace. No matter what, I had to protect it. A loud growl came from behind me. I lost my balance and partially fell into the water.

     Adrenaline rushed through me as I tried to identify where whatever it was that growled at me was. My heart pounded in my chest. "Don't you know you're trespassing? You're in our pack territory." I turned to see two half naked men. Their gleaming muscles were defined by a god for sure. Their black hair was slicked back and one side of their head was shaved. "We should kill her." The taller one said. His blue eyes glared at mine. "The Alpha would be mad if you didn't wait for his orders." The shorter one scolded. Their voices were so masculine and dripped in authority. I gulped as I slowly backed away while they bickered. "Where do you think you're going?" The tall one growled out. Shivers traveled up my body. He was the one who growled at me. I'm sure if it. But how did he get it to sound like an animal? Find him. Find him. Find him. "I-I'm lost." I whimpered. "Yeah, we can tell. Brander, any word from the Alpha?" "No, not yet," the tall one named Brander answered. His eyes showed no tolerance for kindness. "You know what, Ansel? Forget the Alpha. I'll kill this one myself." My eyes widened. Kill? He's going to kill me? My eyes pleaded with his as I backed up. "Fine. But make it quick. Before the Alpha gets here," Ansel replied.

     The color in my skin paled at what I saw next. Their canines grew longer and they growled at me like animals. "I like the look on your face. I think I might make you my pet," Brander smiled. "What the hell are you?" I screamed. The more I scooted away towards the darkness, the more their eyes glowed. I hyperventilated as they grew nearer and nearer. "Calm down, human. Come quietly and we might not kill you." I stumbled to my feet and ran. I didn't make it far before I was swiped off my feet. My body painfully hit the ground and I gasped for air. My aching body screamed at me to get up. I began to drag myself away. Even if I didn't make it, at least I tried. I was lifted and easily thrown into a tree. The force vibrated through my body. I coughed up blood as I landed. I lay on my stomach, unable to move. Is this how everything ends? Is this how I die? I can't die here. A foot stomped itself onto my back. An empty, breathless scream came out of me. "You stupid human. What a lowlife. I changed my mind. Who wants worthless trash like you? Die quickly, will you?"

The pressure intensified by the second. I screamed in pain. No. No. No. I was about to give up on hope. A voice boomed through the forest. It was full of anger, dominance, and blood-thirst. It sent shivers down every inch of my body. "Get off my mate."

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