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       *****WARNING!!!!! This chapter contains a detailed mention of sexual harassment and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Please read with caution!!!*******

I hated that word with all of my being, yet I couldn't deny the truth. "Your father? That. That can't be right." Tobias was taking it better than I expected him to. "Father would be a more exaggerated term. You could say I'm her- woah now. That isn't a very nice look little Amber." I was gritting my teeth and glaring daggers at him. I wished he was dead, but your wishes aren't always answered. "Have I overstayed my welcome?" The sky darkened. "It seems I have. Well, it seems we should be heading back now." Father snapped his fingers and my friends were pulled out of their control. "We will be back another time, knowing you won't go anywhere this time. I will be coming back with your brother at our next meeting, so be prepared." My brother...He began to walk away and waved at me. The others followed him and we all watched in silence as they eventually faded from view.

     My body, weak and sore from being flung around, collapsed. "Amber?" "Amber!" My mates and my friends helped me into another house, where my treatment was literally to hold hands with my mates. "How else do you think you were able to heal after all those injuries you've had?" A nurse by the name of Christa informed me. "You saw how Nikolas healed, yes?" I had seen that. I nodded. "That is another reason why a mate should stay by your side." Christian glared at her. "Erm, mates. Sorry. All you need is a day of rest and two days of hand holding at least and you should be good to go." She left the crowded room, where an unsettling feeling began to grow in the air. One of my mates broke the silence. "You four need to be restrained. You could be controlled at any time." Nikolas sided with Christian. "He's right. You're a threat to all of us." "As long as those scientists aren't around, they should be fine." Tobias countered. My mates let go of me to get up close to my friends and argue. Their bickering grew louder and louder as they talked about my safety and being a threat to the Pack. "Amber's safety comes first!" "We've been with her since we were kids!" "You won't be able to protect her! You'll turn against her and kill her!"

     Their fighting was leading nowhere. Quite frankly, I just wanted to be alone to think. I needed to strategize what I should do from here. Both Tobias and I picked up on a dripping sound. My mates did too. It was coming from within the room. From someone. We all stared at the source while Dante was yelling at Nikolas. "Are you even listening to me?" His eyes slowly followed ours. Hiding behind Reese was a barely conscious Celia. She was holding her bloody arm that Nikolas had bitten into and was panting heavily. Blood dripped down her arm. Why had no one noticed before? "Oh my gosh, Celia," Reese grabbed her before she fainted. "She needs a medic. Now." Christian led them out of the room in search of the Pack doctor, seeing as this was his territory. "You have a lot of explaining to do." Nikolas sternly stared at me. Yet I was already lost in thought. My mind was racing a mile a second. "Amber. Amber." Tobias snapped his fingers in front of me. Then he grabbed my necklace. And I was reeled back in. I immediately twisted his arm. "Still have some fight in you." He groaned. I let him go and sank deeper into the bed. "Can you explain to me who the hell that guy was? How is he your father?" My mate interrogated. "We know you don't like to talk, but you need to tell us. We've known each other almost ten years and you never once told us about any of this." Zeke mentioned. I know that. I know. Failure. The voice nagged at me. It's very hard to explain. It brings me pain. Failure. I'm not comfortable talking about it. Failure. Yet I know that I need to tell them the truth. I haven't been exactly truthful these past couple of years. It's time I start being honest.

     Tobias rested his hand on top of mine. Nikolas growled at him. He ignored my mate and looked deep into my eyes. "It's okay to talk. You can do it." My eyes widened. That's the first time anyone has ever told me that. A small smile formed on my face. It feels like it's been ages since I've smiled. All of the males in the room blushed. I hate that I have that effect on men. "Thanks." I motioned for them all to sit. I prepared myself for what was to come next. "He is not my actual father. He abducted me. I am from another dimension. In my dimension people don't normally talk. We communicate with our eyes. When I was eight years old I was brought to this dimension, and given a new name. I can't remember my old one anymore." I deeply inhaled. I've spoken so much already. "He raised me as his own daughter but then one day decided to ask what wish I would want granted. I told him that I wanted to be a hero and have powers. But that psycho took it to heart.

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