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"It's such a shame you're a danger to society." "We should have killed you when we had the chance." "You will constantly be running as long as you live." "We can't stay here long. You know that. We'll die if we do."

The covers were flown off the bed as I woke up. My palms were sweaty and I was in distress.  My heart beat loudly in my chest. Who were those people talking in my head? I took a shower and changed into comfortable shorts and one of Nikolas' shirts. I ate whatever I could find and got to reading. When I finished all of the books I took a nap. Then I got bored. There was nothing to do. "Kid?" I was laying in the floor with my eyes closed. "What are you doing on the floor?" "Bored." I responded with. "Let's go to the mall. We only went through half of it anyways." I put on a floral dress and a shawl with black sneakers. On the way there, I asked Teagan to explain to me in further detail how mates worked. "Mates are very important, kid. You either accept them or die alone." He quickly said. He was sensitive to this. I forgot. "Do you get another mate if you're rejected?" "That rarely ever happens, sunshine. And even if it does they might reject you too so you never know." Oh. I held his hand as we walked in.

     Everyone's eyes were on me today. "Word spread that you're the future Luna. So everyone wants to get a good look at you." Luna? I frowned at the word. It sounded wrong to me. We bought some more stuff and headed downstairs to get more books and a phone, which would provide useful to me somehow. We stepped onto the escalators and descended to the bottom. I stepped off and noticed that Teagan was frozen in place at the bottom of the steps. I tugged on his arm. "Teagan?" I followed his attention and noticed a guy a couple of feet away staring at him. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans with boots and a flannel tied around his waist. The guys had nice hazel eyes and thick brown hair. He had nice features too. "No way," Teagan mumbled. The area went silent when the stranger yelled off the top of his lungs. "MATE!" Then his eyes wandered down. He saw me clinging to Teagan. And his eyes turned pitch black. They were filled with absolute malice. Then he ran at us full speed.

     His eyes were on me. I knew that look. He was going to kill me. I screamed off the top of my lungs and ran off. I ran as he chased me, totally livid. I could hear bones cracking and regretted looking over my shoulder. A big brown wolf was right behind me. I screamed again but suddenly my body smashed into the ground. I screamed as I felt something crack. I scooted into a corner as the wolf stalked towards me in a cautious stance. People kept their distance from us. Tears flooded down my face and my ankle was swelling. It was turning a deep purple color. I couldn't run. He made sure of that. I can't feel my leg at all. Begging wouldn't do me any good. I knew he was going to lunge. He then decided to pounce. I turned my head and shielded my face with my arms. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Stay away!" Then something miraculous happened. A current of electricity shot out from me and transferred into the wolf. It was blasted unconscious. It landed in front of Teagan, who had run over to help. Whether it was his mate or me he wanted to help didn't matter to me. This served as a clear reminder that I shouldn't get close to these people. They are dangerous and want to hurt me. Stay away! His eyes landed on my distraught state. "Kid..." He jogged towards me. "Don't come any closer! Stay away from me. You're all the same. You all want to kill me." I cried out. "Kid-" I screamed again when I felt pain in my left arm.

     My eyes widened. I fell because I had been scratched. Blood oozed down it, ruining my clothes. "How did you beat a wolf?" He hadn't seen what I did. No one had. Some miraculous power had saved me in time. "Nikolas and Christian are on their way. I told them what happened." How? How did he communicate with them? I shook my head as I quietly sobbed. I don't want to be here. I don't. I don't want to die. "Mate!" "Little mate!" A shirtless Christian and Nikolas were standing next to Teagan. My vision was becoming hazy and it became harder and harder to concentrate and focus on the situation around me. My breathing turned rapid and stressed. "You're all insane," I whispered. I needed Tobias. "You need medical attention. Let us help you." "I don't need it!" I screamed off the top of my lungs. I wouldn't pass out knowing I was surrounded by these people. "I want you all to stay away from me." "Little mate." Christian called. "No! I am not your mate! My partners are not some. Some lunatics!" But then again, I wasn't normal either. "I want to go back. Take me to Tobias," I shrieked.

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