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       "Let's go!" I was pulled away from my mates as we ran. We were back in the woods, now able to see our surroundings. "Reese, can you lead us to him?" Dante asked. "My mates are both Alphas. We'd have to look through both of their lands. We'd be up against hundreds of wolves." I commented. I'm guessing the ones I saw at the mall were a small fragment of their real numbers. "I need my memory back before we do anything." "Amber-" Zeke started. "If I'm going to be useful to you all, I need it back." A syringe suddenly whizzed past me and lodged into a tree. We turned to see some people holding guns. "Reese!" Celia screamed. "Use your Awakening!" "I can't, love. It's too risky. I could hurt her mates." Another syringe barely passed Zeke's face. "We have no choice. We'll have to use our Awakening." Everyone stopped running. Bright light emerged from Dante's hands. The veins in his arms shined brightly and illuminated the inside of them. His pale green eyes remained focused and vigilant. "There's not enough water here. It'll dry out the ground. Zeke won't be able to fight." Celia muttered. The three guys surrounded us. Giant trees suddenly skyrocketed from the ground and tightly wrapped around us, creating a dome. "Zeke! Yes!" Celia cheered. He suddenly coughed up black. His veins were light green. "Zeke!" Dante caught him as he collapsed. "We're safe. For now." He weakly said. He stared into Dante's eyes and they seemed to somehow communicate. Dante nodded and motioned for me to come over. "I'll start fixing your memories." The trees suddenly trembled before he could put his hands on me. The earth did with it. "What the hell was that?" Reese asked. His reddish eyes widened in fear. One of the trees suddenly emitted a horrible sound. It was being torn to shreds. Glowing eyes peered though a crack. I recognized them as Nikolas'. I gasped and moved away.

      His eyes disappeared and all around us these terrible scratching noises could be heard. Just how strong are werewolves? A syringe suddenly shot out from one of the open crevices and hit Zeke in the neck. "No!" I cried out. Another came from a different direction and Reese covered Celia just as it came close to her. He collapsed as the liquid flowed into his bloodstream. "Reese, no!" Celia wailed. She turned and protected herself with water. Her veins turned blue. Yet the amount she had wasn't enough. She was shot in the leg and knocked out besides Reese. The water seeped into the ground. Dante and I were left. "Dante." I nervously called. "I can see all of them. You can too. Look closely. Concentrate." "Concentrate on what?" I turned to him in frustration. Dante suddenly shoved me as a syringe lodged into his chest. "DANTE!" He staggered a bit, then grabbed my shirt for support. His terrified green eyes met my gray ones. "Run." Then I screamed as he fell to the floor. I didn't even hear the tree being torn to shreds and broken from behind me. I tried to help my friend by taking the syringe out and attempting to wake him up. A growl behind me made my fear skyrocket. I slowly turned to see a ginormous wolf. It's eyes were pitch black. I'm going to die here. This time I really am. "Please. Don't kill me." It slowly stalked toward me. I covered my friend. "Leave them alone! They have nothing to do with this!" I immediately knelt before him. This was the only way I could think of to try and calm him. I bowed my head. Please let this work. Please. The wolf then jumped on me and grabbed the back of my shirt. It started dragging me away. I screamed off the top of my lungs. "Stop it! Stop it!" It growled at me in warning. A group of people jumped in after I was dragged out and grabbed my friends. "No!!!" I sobbed as I was dragged all the way back to a house. I stopped struggling after a while. I felt completely useless and pitiful. The door was open and I was dragged into a room. I couldn't stop sobbing.

The wolf suddenly began to shift and standing before me was Nikolas. Naked. I covered my eyes and cried harder. His hands grabbed mine and forced them down. "Look at me." I don't want to. "LOOK AT ME!" His eyes were pitch black. It scared me. "You are mine. No one else's. Understand?" His voice was deeper and he was being mean. I didn't like it. "Okay. Okay." I'd do anything to make him let me go. The tingly feeling was going completely berserk. My heat went away when he touched me. His eyes returned to normal but started to glow. He cupped my face in his giant hand. "You're so beautiful." He has burns all over him and he reeked of burnt flesh. Most of me was terrified of him now, but the other part wanted him to ravish me right here and now. He pulled me in and harshly kissed me. I pushed and pulled, but he wouldn't budge. "Nikolas!" I bit his lip and he broke our kiss. I backed into a corner, hugging myself. Those sensations were definitely addicting, but Nikolas' behavior had pulled me out of it. Christian punched him in the face. "Is this what you want for your mate? To force her to love you? You bastard." I happened to notice that Nikolas' injuries had almost healed. These people are superhuman. Christian pointed at me. "Is this what you wanted? Look at the way she's looking at you! I said look, goddammit!" Nikolas slowly turned to look at me. I smelled terrible; there were knots and dirt in my hair; scratches covered my arms and legs and I felt nauseous. I was staring at them in absolute terror. His scary aura faded and guilt spread across his face. "Mate." He reached out to touch me but I shrunk back and tried to scoot away. "Monster. Monster!" I cried out. He flinched at my words.

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