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Tobias and I charged. So did the enemy. Air circled around my hand to create blades and I moved in. It was obvious that the wolves just wanted to restrain me, and not exactly hurt me. This gave me an advantage. I used small and large attacks to cut into wolves, or lift them into the air. I used rocks to surface and make the terrain difficult for them. Flames danced on my legs as I kicked wolves. I assumed Tobias knew what he was doing, given I hadn't heard him call out for me. I was barely able to dodge a mid air wolf when my body felt as if it were being attacked by strong vibrations. The language of his people. My brother was here. I landed barely on my feet. I tripped and fell on my side. "Sister!" He's here. "Ellaes." My gray eyes met his brown ones. He was in a gray oversized shirt and black jeans. His wavy hazel hair was sticking out in all sorts of directions just like when we were younger. Standing behind him was the army of Leinhart's power users. And Leinhart himself. His hand rested on my brother's shoulder. I wanted to yell at him to get his hands off my brother, but I held back. If he brought what I think he brought, then everyone will be saved. "Lost your balance, little Amber? Let me help you up." The thought of him putting his hands on me both angered and disgusted me. My body burst into flames. I flew at them, ready to burn the man that brought me sorrow. My fist clashed with Ellaes', fire fighting sound. The flames wrapped around his arm and he yelled in pain. I'm hurting him. I moved back, not wanting to hurt him anymore. I watched as my mates moved in to attack Leinhart. They clashed with my brother instead and the girl who had made me cry. Wait. Where was Tobias? His strength was leaving him. He was tired. I could tell.

"Duelis Anma." A protection spell was cast on Tobias. He was safe. I was tackled by wolves and pinned down. I grit my teeth and watched as they were launched into the air and landed in nearby trees. The wind lifted me up and I lifted both of my hands as the power users ran into the battlefield. I called upon something I had never done before. A tornado. "Are you insane?" Leinhart yelled at me. This was my first time doing this, and even though I summoned it, there was a high risk that came with it. I could be caught up in it. But that was a chance I had to take. Most of these power users weren't as advanced as me. It formed very quickly, and sucked up everything in its path. "Geltra imma!" My brother was enveloped in a barrier. I coughed up blood, but quickly wiped it away. Wolves and humans alike ran as fast as they could. But it was no use. "Amber!" Tobias reached out to me from across the battlefield. I smiled at him. "I'm okay." I whispered just before I was sucked up and launched into the air. "AMBER!!" Tobias' scream could barely be heard over the sound of the wind. I tried to control myself by putting myself in the center of it all, but I couldn't tame the wild winds. I crashed into wolves and trees and other stuff that I couldn't see. My vision blurred and then the worst happened. I was thrown out of the tornado. I was a good two hundred feet in the air. I stared at the sky as everything seemed to be in slow motion. My body wasn't responding to me and I was tired. Tired of it all. My life is going to end. I know it. I awaited my death as the tornado vanished and everything in it began to fall with me. I closed my eyes and awaited the quick moment of pain. Then a hand grabbed mine and I was pulled into a chest. I opened my eyes to see a smiling face. "Reese?" Why was he out of the house? "I'm not alone."

A tall tree grew besides us and Reese set me down. Zeke and Ms.Albert had joined the fight. Dante also appeared, with a sword made from both dark and light. "Why.." "We couldn't leave you both to fight by yourselves. Plus I have help." Help? From who? I watched as his veins turned blue. Wait. That's not right. He's an air user. His veins should be turning transparent. So why...Reese lifted his hands and a nearby river flooded the area while protecting our allies. My eyes were wide as I stared at Reese. "Celia gave me this power. She wanted to stay by our side, even if she wasn't here anymore. So she gave me her power. It was difficult to control, but I think I have it mostly controlled." I felt a pang in my chest as the water cleared out. I saw the girl on the floor and Reese took me to her. Life was leaving her eyes. Her chest had been ripped open with claws. The battlefield was silent. "I wish...you had remembered my name Amber." She barely choked out. "Please...remember it. I am. Niela." Then she took her final breath.

I clutched my chest. The device. It was nearby. I heard a scream and turned around. Ms.Albert had a wolf in her that bit into her neck. She fell on her face and we watched as the wolf tore her to shreds. It was Nikolas. "My..my power users!" I whirled around to see Leinhart staggering. He was staring at his once powerful army. They had either drowned, been torn apart by wolves, or killed by the tornado. "This can't be. Little Amber. Little Amber, help me!" He was drenched from head to toe. I marched up to him, holding me head high. He cried out and fell on the floor. I roughly took the small device from his hands. This is it. This is what brought me to this world. "Amber!" I turned to see Tobias was heading towards us. Ellaes was close behind. The smile on my friend's face turned to that of horror. "Amber, look out!" A small blade plunged into my back. Everyone, including myself, all had a look of surprise on their faces. "If I can't have you, I'll just kill you."

Just to clarify, Ellaes' name is pronounced Ell-a-us.
The a part is said like the letter.

For Niela, it's nee-and ella

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