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Did he just say....

                 To let her die?

The air in the room grew heavy. "Amber..." Tobias trailed off. I pulled the covers off of me and sat up. He and Dante helped me stand. I winced as my feet touched the cold floor. "Steady." "Take me. To her." We slowly began to walk to the door. Nikolas opened the door. "I told you not to touch my mate." He seethed. "Move." Dante coldly said. I listened for where Celia could be. My body ached immensely but that wasn't going to stop me. "She's injured-" "Oh shut it, lover boy. Amber wants to see Celia." Dante shouted. He eventually moved out of the way for us. We slowly made our way down the hall. Zeke and Nikolas followed close behind. Then Christian emerged and followed after noticing the atmosphere. I panted the more we walked. My legs felt like they had weights dragging me down. I staggered so the guys had to help guide me. We made a left turn and continued. I have to see her. I have to. Her bright smile. The way she was comfortable with everyone. She was like my sister. She can't go. Not like this. We stopped at a glass window where we could see a surgery taking place. Celia was being examined. Reese stared through the window, his eyes lifeless. In his hand, was her necklace. The one thing we owned and refused to let go of. There her charm of a rabbits foot was clipped besides it. He was holding the necklace so tightly that his knuckles turned white and blood dropped from his hand.

     We turned and watched Celia. I'm guessing she lost a lot of blood and that werewolf blood isn't exactly a match for her. It's not like they would find a match for a girl injected with otherworldly fluids. That's what must be making her unstable. The injury is making her powers go berserk. The doctors frantically worked on her arm, but then things took a turn for the worse. All of the veins in her body turned electric blue. Then water began to come out of her mouth like a river. Then she flatlined. And she was gone. It all happened so quickly that it hit me hard. I slipped from the hold of my friends and fell to the floor. I couldn't believe it. She was gone. But I wasn't as effected. There was someone else who would be crushed by this. Reese. They had been a couple since they were twelve. A six year relationship, gone like that. My ears caught what the doctors said inside. "Cause of death: severe tissue inflammation and water intoxication." Not only did she die from that nasty bite, but her power made her drown herself. This is my fault. I was too hasty in trying to leave. I killed her. "Amber." Tobias knelt besides me. My hair covered my face. I didn't want anyone to see my trembling lips. Failure. "Amber, get up." His hand moved in to grab me. "This is all your fault." I looked up to see Reese crying. He was staring angrily at Nikolas. "You killed her. You killed my girlfriend." Why isn't he blaming me, I wondered. "You all decided to take my mate from me. You brought yourselves to danger by thinking you could get out of here with her." He retorted. A blast of wind pushed my mates back. "YOU FREAKS!" Reese screamed out. Cool air swirled through the hall. He looked over to us and with a single finger we were dragged over to him. He extended his hand and the bottle of pills flew into it. He tossed them to me. His eyes softened when we locked eyes. "This isn't your fault," he mouthed to me.

But this is my fault. How could he say that? "AMBER!" My mates shouted. I shivered from their tone. Nikolas' eyes turned black. We watched as he turned into his wolf again. I gasped but winced as my rib throbbed. Thomas scooped me into his arms. I realized I was in a pair of pajamas. My arms wrapped around his neck. "What's our chance?" He asked. Our chances were much higher now that there were less of us. The glass shattered and Dante grabbed Celia's lifeless body. "Eighty two." Zeke blocked the hall with poisonous plants and we made a run for it down the hall. Reese was more in control of his Awakening power now that his emotions were out of control. He sniffed the air. "This way. The Alphas found a way around. Zeke, stop them with some plants." "Got it." I suddenly coughed and watched in horror as blood came out. "Stop!" Tobias shouted. Everyone stopped. My rib. I think my rib punctured something. Tobias set me down on the floor. I threw up more blood. My friends watched in horror. "Please. No." I gasped. I grabbed onto Tobias. Panic filled me. Blood stained his shirt.

     His face was filled with horror. "No." Then my body went limp, and darkness engulfed me. The bottle of pills rolled away, taking my hope with it.

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