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*****A little bit of Mature content *****

With careful explanations, both males taught me the rules of werewolves. I was to become Luna, the female leader of the pack; the partner of the Alpha. If rejected, my mates could die from heartbreak. They would remain forever alone. I was to bear the children of my mates. It was also made known to me that I would go through something called a heat, which was when a female found her mate and would go through pain and absolute arousal until her mate would claim her by marking her. By marking her they would forever be bound to each other. I took all of this information in, yet it did not affect me as much as I would have liked it to. My mind was still racing about what I had said. About Tobias. The duties of a Luna were heard, yet I was off in a faraway place in my head.

     "Mate." Both males called me. I was a person of few words, so I mumbled a quick sorry. "Does your head still hurt? Do you need to see a doctor? My pack doctor treats humans too. She could help." I shook my head. That wasn't it. "She's thinking. She's wondering how she knew a name from her forgotten past." I smiled at Christian. He knew what I was thinking. "You don't know anything about this Tobias?" I had thought long and hard about it, but I wasn't sure. "No." Nikolas smiled at me in comfort. "You don't have to figure everything out now. It's fine." "Say, what do I look like?" I asked out of the blue. The boys stared at me in confusion. Then it seemed like they knew what I was asking. Nikolas brought me a mirror from upstairs and grabbing a hold of it, I saw myself. I had dark silver eyes and light strawberry blonde hair. It felt as if this was my first time seeing myself. "You are beautiful," my mates beamed. I was very thin and my skin was very pale. The shirt I was wearing hid my curves. I had a defined nose and long eyelashes. "We should probably get you some clothes. You can't wear my shirts forever, as much as I'd like you to." Nikolas mentioned.

He reached out to touch me and my breath caught in my throat as I backed away. Even though they were my so called mates, I still didn't know them well enough to trust them entirely and rely on their words too much. "She still needs time to adjust. Would you feel more comfortable if you had another female here?" I pondered Christian's question. I shook my head. Too many people will make me panic. "What if only one of us took you out?" Before I could think about it, a nearby door swung open. A male strode in, looking as if he owned the place. "Who's this?" He held a red cup in his hand and casually drank from it, making a dramatic slurping sound. It was honestly quite funny. He had hair almost as black as Nikolas but golden eyes instead of green.

     He was shorter than both men and wasn't as built, but he gave off a very relaxing and soothing vibe that felt comforting for some odd reason. "Teagan. What are you doing here," Nikolas seethed. "I can't come and see who my big bro's partner is? Is the big bad Alpha too good for his own little brother?" This was his brother? "So this is the one. The one you've searched for during your twenty-three years of life, is this girl wearing your shirt?" "She's my mate too." Teagan sipped from his cup again. "Interesting... Plus she's a human. She doesn't smell like a wolf at all." I slowly walked over to him. He was dressed in a black biker jacket and red shirt with tight dark jeans and black boots. His hair was slicked to the side. "Mate." I ignored their call and stopped in front of Teagan. I smiled. "Nice to meet you." My mind had decided to take a liking to him, despite not knowing him for more than two minutes. It was strange. But something told me that he would not hurt me. "You picked a weird one, big bro. But she's interesting. Seems she knows who the good guy is. Don't you, kid?" A small giggle came from me. Teagan was startled for a quick second. "You're funny." A blush began to quickly form on his face. It seemed as though he lost his cool act.

"Funny? Hey hey. Calm your mates down. They look like they're going to rip my head off." I turned to see both of my mates baring their teeth at Teagan. They seemed furious. Nikolas mentioned that they do get jealous. But this was his brother. Even with his own brother? I dropped my head down. My smile faded. "Sorry." Their menacing aura faded. "You guys are that controlling of her? I feel for you, kid." The guys' faces fell. I twirled my necklace around. "Teagan, why don't you spend tomorrow getting to know my mate?" Nikolas calmly asked. I noticed his eyes were turning dark, almost black. Christian pulled him in close and they spoke quietly. Then they turned their attention to us. They seemed reluctant to speak. "Since it seems our mate has taken more of a liking to you, we feel that you could help her get more comfortable around here. She needs clothes and we needed someone to take her." Christian emphasized the our. "You want me to go with her to buy girl clothes?" Teagan scoffed. Nikolas devilishly smiled. "You were a momma's boy." The younger brother's face turned bright pink. "I didn't have a choice! She dragged me around everywhere!" Girl clothes? Was this something to be embarrassed about? It didn't seem like there was anything wrong with that. "But we do have some rules that we will tell you later," Christian firmly said. My mates stared at me. "We have some conditions for you too." He said. "Be here tomorrow morning at nine o'clock sharp." Teagan saluted his brother. "Sir yes sir." I lightheartedly laughed at his joke. All of the men blushed. Teagan turned and waved. "Later." I followed him to the door. I hesitated whether I should speak. I decided to be brave. "Teagan." He slowly turned to me. "Bye." He grinned. "Later, kid."

      Something told me that we might not be so far off in age, but I wouldn't know. I turned around to see my mates in front of me, staring intently at me. I staggered back. They scared me. "Why are you so comfortable with him?" Christian demanded. "He's nothing special." Nikolas firmly said. "Where is Teagan's mate?" The question had been bothering me. "Teagan...doesn't have one." Nikolas slowly said. He's lying. "You're lying." I proudly said. His eyes snapped to mine. A brave part of me emerged and my eyes challenged his. He sighed in defeat. "She rejected him a couple of years ago." Rejection can lead to death. It can lead to a life of solitude. "That's so sad." I muttered. My mates locked their hands in mine. Panic welled in my chest. The feeling of electricity danced between us. I pulled my hands away, but they were much stronger than I was. Their hands were giant and swallowed up my small ones. "This is one of your conditions." They led me up the stairs. Stop it. Let go. They wouldn't budge. I sighed in defeat and let myself be dragged by them. The butterflies in my stomach couldn't be ignored. My flushed face said otherwise as well. My legs felt like jelly and my heart ached. Nikolas let me go. He brought me the smallest pair of shorts he had and a shirt. "I don't have any um. Undergarments for you. So um." "That's fine." I simply said. The looks on their faces caused me to laugh. "What?" Christian let go of me and tapped my head. He leaned in close and whispered, "If your plan was to get us aroused, then it's working." I grabbed the clothes off of Nikolas' hands and locked myself in the bathroom. My heart beat rapidly. I felt horrified.

     "Embarrassed?" I gasped as I was pinned against the door. "I don't care if you're a human anymore. You're mine and that's what matters." I shuddered as his fingers skimmed over my face. "Christian," I weakly said. My body felt hot and my breathing picked up. "You are so beautiful." He softly kissed my neck. I held onto his shirt as he planted kisses from my jawline down to my clavicle. My hands wandered into his dirty blonde hair and tugged on it. A lustful growl came out. Another set of lips went up my arm. When did Nikolas enter? Christian growled in annoyance. Our time alone was over. Pants of arousal bounced from wall to wall. It felt so good that I didn't want it to stop. It was a sensation that I never wanted to end. With my free hand I tugged on my shirt to give Christian more access. The clothes in my hand dropped onto the floor. They decided to switch spots but instead of kissing my arm, Christian lifted my shirt slowly and kissed my waist. An unfamiliar sound came from me. My beautiful partner, do you remember what I taught you? "Hold on and don't let go," I breathily said. The guys were pulled out of their trance. "Someone told me that."

     What we were doing hit me. "Tobias. Tobias." I let go of them and opened the door. They followed me as I paced the room, in a trance. "We. We were separated." I have to find him. Why did that memory come to me now of all times? Why? "I think you need to rest," Nikolas suggested. Christian lifted me up and set me down on the bed. They went under the covers. The big bed was luckily enough to fit the three of us. I was right in the dead center. "Sleep, Mate." My eyelids grew heavy as I was lured to sleep. "Sleep."

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