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What did he just say? "This human is your mate?" Brander was stunned. "I said GET OFF OF HER." My vision was blurry and I swear I could see stars. My whole body ached in pain. Find him. Find him. Stop it. Please. Brander removed his foot. I deeply inhaled and coughed. It hurts to breath. I watched Ansel and Brander kneel. I saw the lower half of a male approach them. The male was wearing shorts. But he had no shoes on. "Which one of you mutts did this?" The air was thick with fear and tension. "I-It was Brander, Alpha Nikolas." Ansel stumbled over his own words. You could hear his voice tremble. One second Brander was there, and the next I saw him flying into a tree. His limp body landed into the leaves. "Brander!!" Ansel screamed. "Take him and go to the cells. I want you both locked up and you will wait to receive your punishment." Ansel bowed down. "Yes Alpha." Him. He is here. Who? Who is? Ansel took his friend's body and dragged it into the forest.

The powerful figure named Alpha Nikolas made his way towards me. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. He's going to kill me. Stay away. Get out of here. I was picked up and turned over. My hoarse Vice screamed in pain. The more he held me in his arms, the more I was in pain. I continued to scream in absolute pain and terror. My bloody head didn't make things any better. I was getting blood in my eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I closed my eyes and decided to sleep, since there was nothing else I could do. Throughout my sleep, the voice continued to scream at me. Find him. Find him. Go. FIND HIM! My eyes shot open. My body was sore, but mostly healed. I was in a room with light brown walls. I was in a queen bed with soft purple covers and sheets. I sat up and instantly regretted it. My head throbbed immensely. "Ouch." There was a nightstand besides me and a dresser and two doors. I'm guessing one leads out of here.

     I yawned and pulled back the covers. I was in a shirt four sizes too big and a pair of shirts that the shirt swallowed easily when I stood. The shirt reached past my knees. I stretched and hopped on my toes to make sure I was in good condition. I was a bit sore, but fine now. My hands wandered to my neck. My face paled. The necklace. Where is it. I opened drawers and dumped everything out. I went to the nightstand and opened the drawer. In a small baggie was my necklace. Not a single stain was on it. I smiled in relief. The doorknob on one of the doors began to jiggle. Fear took over. I don't know where I am. I hid under the bed, praying that I wouldn't be found. "Mate? Mate, where are you?" It was...what's his name. Alpha Nikolas. I slowed my breathing in hopes of being even more silent. Brander knew him. Meaning he was one of them. One of those. Those monsters. "I won't hurt you. Come out." I shut my eyes. Please go away. Please! Find him. Find him. My necklace hit the floor. The small charm made a scraping sound. My heart dropped. The bed was lifted and flipped over. I screamed loudly from my aching throat. "Mate." I scooted away from him as he inched closer. The man was godly if I do say so myself. He was wearing a black shirt that fit exactly on him, showing off his eight pack and strong muscles. He had short jet black hair and dark green eyes with hazel flecks in them. His skin was slightly tanned from being in the sun a lot I'm sure. His facial features were very sharp and sexy. He had a small scar on his left jawline. It just made him more attractive in my opinion.

     But I remained strong instead of drooling over him. All I did was quickly take his features in. But he was still a stranger. I did not know him. His friends tried to kill me. He could do it if he wanted to. He strode over and I screamed louder. Tears began to stream down my face. He stopped right where he was. "I didn't mean to startle you. Please don't cry." My bottom lip quivered and I found myself hiccuping. Then it turned into wails. I started sobbing and hugged myself as I leaned against the wall. I didn't know who I was or where I was from or why I was here. I was scared and quite frankly, I didn't want the man in front of me to lay a single hand on me. I held the dream catcher so tightly my hand turned white. I had eventually stopped screaming and wailing, but the tears wouldn't stop.

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