The Project

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The fortune cookies haunted the girl, keeping her up at night thinking about what they could mean. It was scary how real they sounded, she felt like she needed to do something or she would regret it.

Hesitating at first, the girl grabbed her phone and texted Harry Osborn, the boy she despised for no reason other than his constant, annoying flirting. They lived close by but luckily (for her,) they never bumped into each other.

hey, are you awake?

Oh wow THE Victoria Smith is texting me!

She took in a deep breath before grabbing her sweater and leaving her house headed straight to his. She hated this and yet it felt like the right thing to do.

She pressed on the doorbell, patiently waiting for someone to open the door. Greeting her was a shirtless and messy haired Harry Osborn, who moved out of her way to let her in.

"We both know you hate me, why are you here?" He asked in a way which made Victoria flinch. He was right.

"I'm sorry," Victoria said, as she stood up from the couch, making Harry stand up with her. His eyebrows were raised and smirk visible, clearly amused by what was going on.

Though Victoria was intimidating, she was without a doubt a softie and cared for most though she didn't show it.

"Listen, yesterday the fortune cookie message things really got in my head and I feel- scratch that I know I've been such a piece of shit to you-" and the girl started to ramble, walking around and waving her hands in the air to emphasize her words.

Harry Osborn listened to every word as he leaned against a wall and watched the girl pace, nervous, scared even. His face changed from amusement to concern as he watched her eyes water. Slowly, he walked towards her.

"-and I'm sorry, I'm really sorry and I get if you don't forgive me that's completely fine, I deserve it anywa-" she was cut off by the boy wrapping his arms around her in an embrace. She slowly wrapped hers around him before letting a single tear fall.

She hated crying, especially infront of people, but it was too late now.

He rubbed her back as she buried her head in his neck, he wished it was always like this rather than her hating him. He always liked her, even if she was rude to him.

She pulled back, wiping her eyes which made his soften.

"It's okay Vic, I never took it personally," he said, honestly as he pushed back her hair, smiling.

She chuckled, "sorry you had to see me like this I look stupid huh," she asked.

The boy wanted to tell her she was beautiful no matter what, but decided against making his liking for her obvious.

"Yes you look like your imaginary boyfriend broke up with you get it together Karen," he replied pushing her arm.

The girl scoffed snorting, "fuck off Osborn."

The pair sat together in silence, thinking of how things are meant to be now that they're not 'enemies' anymore.

"Wanna hang out then?" Harry says, looking at Vic.

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