Divide Tour

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The crowd was insane that night, the lights of their tiny cellphones filling up the dark arena as they waited for Ed Sheeran to come out. The fans chanted 'Ed! Ed!' as loud as they could, wanting to get started as quick as possible.

Victoria and her friends were right at front, curtesy of Tony Stark who had secretly upgraded her standard, barricade tickets to V.I.P without her knowledge. She shimmered as the beams hit her, the glittery fabric on her body catching every spec of light as she moved. The leather jacket wasn't enough to keep her warm, standing between Peter's legs as he had his arms wrapped around her.

Mj and Liz wore heavier clothing, their layers of sweaters keeping them warm in the cold December night. Adonis and Harry both lit up their cigarettes, offering one to the girl who politely declined and snuggled up closer to the soft boy. The smile on his face never left his face as he talked to Ned, bringing the girl closer to him and wrapping his arms tighter.

Liz had her arm wrapped around Maddie, the shy girl holding onto her light stick and staring at the teenagers as they conversed. A man had gone on stage announcing the opening act, making the flock of energetic teens scream their lungs out. Harry stuck his hands up and swayed to the music, his friends copying his movements and bumping into each other like idiots.

The screaming continued all the way to when the first act left the stage, the lights leaving with her. Victoria kept held on to peter's hands as she jumped around excitedly, the redhead finally taking place on the stage.

"Hello Queens! Are you ready for the time of your life?" He yelled in the mic, his British accent prominent, making the fans go even crazier. With no introduction, he played the first song on the set list, Castle on the Hill. Mj and Liz had fully gone crazy at this point, jumping around and banging their heads, having the most fun so far. The loudest voices came from the two boys at the end, Adonis and Harry both singing their hearts out, eventually losing their voice throughout the next two songs.

"Okay so we've had 3 fast songs, I think it's time to play a slow one, is that okay with you?" He asked the crowd who erupted in cheers, loudly chanting "photograph!" and "thinking out loud!"

Ed shushed the crowd, placing a finger to his lips and smiled when he heard silence. "I heard that there was a Victoria Smith here?" He smiled, looking around until he locked eyes with the girl who Tony showed previously. The girl's heart was beating out of her chest as she waved at him, Peter capturing the moment with his camera.

"These your friends?" He pointed at the screaming teens, who were shoving the shaken girl, taking videos of this very unexpected interaction. She nodded with wide eyes, her hand holding onto Peters. Ed looked at their intertwined hands and mouthed at her, "boyfriend?" while 'secretly' pointing to the smiling boy. Her eyes went even wider in shock, she mouthed 'i love you' to the British singer who winked at her and started singing her favorite song.

"loving can hurt," he began, the crowds screams getting louder as they realized the song. Soon enough the light of a thousand phones swayed along to the music, the prettiest scene she had ever seen. Peter, though in awe at the lights and singer stared at the dark haired girl, unable to turn away from what he thought was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"what are you looking at?" Asked Victoria, her cheeks reddening and she raised an eyebrow hoping he wouldn't notice. He smiled as he pulled up his camera. "You."

"We keep this love in a photograph,"

Victoria blacked out the loud music and screams, looking at the cheesing boy, her heart for some reason beating faster than it usually did. He said a quick prayer before moving towards her, their faces inches apart, separated by nothing but empty space.

"times forever frozen still,"

and soon enough, not a single sound was heard by both teenagers as they slowly leaned in, their minds focusing on nothing but each other. Soon enough, the space between them vanished as Peter pressed his lips to hers, the two smiling into the kiss as they heard fireworks, not knowing whether they were from the concert or just in their heads. Peter backed away, only to be tackled in another kiss by the pleased girl.

"I didn't think you had it in you, Parker," she gasped, on her tippy toes. He laughed and pulled her to him, "neither did I." Harry nudged Adonis, who was too busy singing along to the song to notice his best friend kissing the boy she liked.

"Yeah Victoria!" He yelled, fist pumping the air. The girl rolled her eyes and raised the middle finger, placing her head on Peter's chest who was on the verge of tears, happy with how the world was treating him at this very moment. She looked up at the teary-eyed boy, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Her hands left his back as she wiped a single tear, kissing his two cheeks.

"What's wrong?" She whispered keeping her hands on his face. "I'm just really happy," he laughed, another tear falling. She wiped it like the first one and kissed him, feeling his lips widen as he grinned, kissing back. They didn't notice how time passed until they saw the empty stage, the singer already finishing half his songs and gone for a 15 minute break.

"Well then, that was interesting," Ned turned to Peter, Liz and Mj nodding wildly as Harry snorted. Adonis gave her a wink as he pulled his boyfriend back, not wanting him to annoy the two lovers. Mj passed Liz a tenner, annoyed by the fact she lost the bet.

"I told you it'd happen tonight," Liz nudged, earning a middle finger from the girl and a confused look from Victoria. In no time the redhead was back and the crowd was alive again. It was safe to say that it was the best day of everyone's lives.

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