Test day

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"Don't you dare Parker," Victoria warned, humor lacing her voice as she stuck up her pointer finger. The boy was trying to help her forget about the test to settle her down but the girl refused and decided on going back to revising. Peter rolled his eyes, smiling, and began revising too for his physics test.

"How many minutes left," she asked, looking up from her book with a tired face. The boy held up 3 fingers, putting down his book as he was already confident he was going to ace it like he always did. Victoria blew out a large, shaky breath, and took a last look at her notebook before putting it down and looking at Ned.

"How aren't you two nervous?" She asked, picking at the skin by her nails and putting it up to her lip when she saw it bleed. Ned shrugged and tapped at his brain, "born and bred genius," he smiled, pulling out a pencil. Peter pulled out a pencil for himself and the girl beside him, earning a small smile from her.

"Alright class pull out a pencil," the teacher said tiredly, walking into class with a stack of papers in her hand. Victoria tapped her leg when she got her paper, immediately writing down the answers and smiling when she realized the test was much easier than she thought. She looked at Peter who's face was calm as he jotted down the answers to the first couple of questions, smiling when he felt the gaze of the girl next to him.

The girl looked at the boy beside him, his eyes squinting at the questing but nevertheless answering them quite quickly. With a few minutes left of the lesson, Victoria and Peter were done the test and were the first to leave early, bumping shoulders as they walked to the cafeteria. Looking up at the boy, her vision went a little blurry and she could feel her heartbeat echo through her body. Victoria grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him into an unexpected hug which he melted to.

"Thank you," the girl breathed into his shoulder as she felt his arms wrap around her smaller body, his heartbeat too, echoing throughout his body. He pressed a tiny kiss to her hair and mumbled something along the lines of, 'anything for you.' For a few minutes time slowed with both teenagers in each other's arms, it was pure bliss, but then again, it was only for a few minutes.

"Yo i aced the test!" Ned said, not noticing the two hugging, "I ripped it to shreds it was so easy!" Victoria smiled as she wrapped her arm around Peter's shoulder, him rubbing circles into her lower back like he always did. The girl high fived her friend and sat down at one of the empty tables, looking through her phone.

The two boys engaged in a conversation about some star wars event they wanted to go to while the girl looked up concerts near her. Scrolling past some unknown indie artists, she gasped when she saw that Ed Sheeran was going to be touring her borough in a few weeks time. She looked up at the two with wide eyes, passing her phone to them and watching as they lit up.

"We have to go," Victoria said, grabbing her phone back and sending a link to the groupchat for them to check it out. She added 7 tickets to her cart and put in her credit card info, immediately receiving a confirmation email. She searched for the contact name 'irondad' before pressing the call button and excusing herself from the table.

"Hey dad," she spoke into the phone enthusiastically, earning a chuckle from the older man.

"Hey little one, what's up?"

"I just bought tickets to see ed for my friends and I so that's why you got a message from the bank. I didn't want you to think my card got stolen or anything."

"Sounds good, do you want to come over for dinner? I invited our new intern," the older man asked, a woman's voice could be heard from afar asking him what she should order for tonight.

"I'd love that," the girl replied, saying goodbye and ending the call as she walked to where the two were standing. With a large grin on her face, she started walking to english class, the two boys trailing behind her.

"Hey i'll meet you in class," Peter told Ned, catching up with the girl and waving him off.

"So, ed huh?" He chuckled, nudging the shorter girl. Her grin widened as she grabbed his hands and put them to her lips.

"You have to come!" She pleaded, stepping on her tippy toes, bringing her face close to his. Peter lowered his head smiling, kissing the corner of her mouth.

"I'll be there," he confirmed, earning a hug from the girl. The boy felt like the happiest person alive, as did the girl. With a last kiss on the head, the boy made his way to woodwork where he told Ned everything.


Victoria Smith looked through her wardrobe as she attempted to find a suitable outfit for the occasion, soon enough finding herself holding a velvety red dress and a black, long, thick coat.

With her makeup already done and her hair fixed, she put on her clothes and waited for the familiar call of Happy Hogan, her designated chauffer. Victoria looked at herself in the mirror, neither pleased or unpleased by her appearance. She wasn't quite fond of the scars that littered her body but then again, they weren't going anywhere anytime soon.

A honk was heard from outside her home and the girl was downstairs in seconds, hopping into the familiar black, shiny car and listening to the same old songs. She made small talk with Happy and soon enough they were at the enterprise, the floors at the top of the building being the only ones lit.

Nervously, she took the elevator and walked towards the large dining table, the faces of her father and his wife both looking at her brightly while an unknown figure kept his back turned. Victoria went to her father, kissing his cheeks and forehead before hugging the older woman beside him. She turned to the unknown figure, a soft gasp leaving her lips as she looked at the boy she liked.

"Pete?" She says shocked, not expecting this intern in particular.

"Victoria? Mr. Stark is your dad?" He asks, standing up from his chair and pulling the girl into a tight hug. She kissed his cheek and sat down beside him, the eyes of both adults looking at them as they engaged in a conversation. Tony cleared his throat, making the youngsters look at him with wide eyes, both forgetting that they were at a fancy dinner party anyway.

"So I guess you two know each other?" Tony says sarcastically, his dark eyebrow lifted and his face relaxed with a smug smile. Pepper was amused as well, her eyes twinkling as she took a sip of her champagne. Peter glitched, his mouth opening and shifting as he tried to think of the right answer meanwhile Victoria shrugged, patting his face.

"He's my.." She stopped. What were they anyway? Friends? Too close. Dating? Not really.

"Listen I don't know what he is but I like him so don't do anything you wouldn't do to me, dad."

Peter looked at the two with deer eyes, Tony giving him a wink as he mouthed 'she likes you.' His cheeks were as red as the spaghetti sauce on his plate, his typical, flustered reaction whenever he was near the girl. Victoria was too busy slurping her spaghetti to pay attention to the two boys, awkwardly making eye contact with her dad as a noodle hung from her lips.

The hours flew by fast as the group ate and talked, throwing around some jokes here and there for the fun of it. Pepper was very surprised at Victoria and Peter's grades, not expecting them to be that smart, especially when they didn't spend most their time studying or reviewing.

"Do you have anyone to take you home?" The girl whispered in his ear, sending a tingle down his back that he knew she saw. The boy faced her and shook his head, no.

"Sleepover?" She asked quietly, not wanting to disrupt her father and Pepper's chat. He nodded his head yes before asking for permission, caring more about the girl than his usual curfew. Her face brightened as she stood up, pulling the boy with her.

"Dad, we're leaving!" She said, blowing him a kiss and waving at Pepper as she dragged Peter with her. She couldn't wait to be in his arms again, it was the best sleep she'd ever had.

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