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"Our flights literally in an 30 minutes Liz!" Mj yelled, trying to pry the girl away from the perfume testers at duty free. Victoria and Pete were sharing earphones and walking to the gate peacefully, Peter occasionally stealing glances at the makeup-less girl who had her hair tied up, it was the airport after all.

'Final Call for Passengers of Delta, flight number 3922 to Orlando, Florida please make your way to gate number 8a for boarding,"

"Thats us," said Harry from the side, making the teenagers scoff in disbelief, "really?" Adonis asked rolling his eyes, as did the rest of the teens. Harry shoved them with a smile and made his way to the gate, showing the man at the desk the passports and walking in.

The girl took the window seat, pulling Peter over to join her. Ned occupied the seat next to Peter while the rest of the teenagers sat in the 5 middle seats beside them, looking through magazines of what to do in Florida. Victoria sunk her face into her friends hoodie that he lent her, smiling at how clean and soft it was. The boy's face reddened as he felt her lay her head on his arm, moving closer so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable, but not ending the conversation with Ned.

"What hotel are we staying at?" Maddie asked from next to Liz, smiling. Victoria tried to recall the name but it was too early in the morning for her brain to function correctly,

"One of the resorts at Disney, i forget the name," she informed, putting back her airpod and setting her head on Peter's arm. It was only a three hour flight, meaning that the girl had three options in mind. 1- Nap. 2- Watch a movie. 3- Plan an itinerary.

Pulling out the notes app in her phone, she started listing down the top things to do in Florida in winter, which included universal studios, disneyworld, the kennedy space center, busch gardens, and finally the Everglades national park. It was a week-long trip that was without a doubt going to be rushed.

Peter looked over the girls shoulder, making her turn her head and give him a kiss on his reddening cheek. He smiled softly and placed a small kiss on her lips, making Ned both uncomfortable and yet still in awe of how such an odd pair could basically be considered a couple. The girl couldn't deny the fuzzy feeling in her stomach or the way her heart sped out of her chest when he was close. She hated it, but then again it was the best feeling she had ever felt.

Mj sat, with no emotions on display, staring at the girl whom she had previously had a crush on, smiling as their eyes met. Peter had stood up to use the toilet, which meant that this was in fact her time to shine. She waited for the seatbelt sign to switch off before making her way to the empty seat between her and Ned, who was occupying an empty seat beside Maddie.

"Hey!" the curly haired girl said awkwardly, earning a chuckle from her crush. "Mj don't act like i haven't known you for the past couple of years," she smiled slapping her thigh. The girl shut her eyes in panic (literally gay panic,) and attempted to keep her cool. Victoria payed close attention to her friend's reaction, taking into mind her shaky hands and the way she tapped her legs anxiously.

"You okay?" She asked, earning a quick nod from the girl beside her, who soon moved so Peter could sit back in his seat. With a wave, she made her way back to her seat where she swore at herself and her anxiety around the girl. The boy laid his head on the girls shoulder, snuggling into her neck. She softly laughed at the sensation and held his hand, rubbing it with her thumb as she always did.

With minimal effort to move, the two sat there for the rest of the flight in silence, love oozing out of them. Ned attempted to ignore it but all Harry and Adonis could do was point at them when they did anything "romantic," making the curious boy turn as well. Liz and Maddie were stuck in some other world, both of them watching some show on the small televisions infront of them while Mj was playing a game on her phone.

The girl beamed at the smell of breakfast, her stomach rumbled loudly, as did Peter's. The stewardess smiled at the three, "scrambled eggs or pastries?"

Ned and Victoria opted for the eggs, while Peter chose pastries so he could share some with her. They switched half their portions with one another and dug in, both softly cringing at the lack of taste yet still continuing. The girl coughed into the napkin, sighing when she saw speckles of red on the tissue before grabbing a pill her father prescribed from her bag and swallowing it with the tea.

With an hour left til landing, the teenagers stowed away their tables and repacked their bags, making sure they didn't forget anything on the plane. In no time, they were out of the plane and in the baggage collection area, grabbing their ugly neon suitcases and heading towards Disney to check in.

"Hello, reservation for Smith?" The girl asked, pulling out her passport and wallet. The lady behind the desk smiled and typed something into her computer, clicking a couple of times before nodding. "4 connecting rooms with a double bed, correct?"

She nodded before handing her a credit card and passport, "so have you picked your sleeping partner?" Victoria grinned, sending them a wink. Adonis and Harry stood hand in hand, Harry saluting her. Liz and Maddie waved at her leaving just 4 people left, Peter, Ned, Mj, and herself.

"I'll room with Peter," Ned shrugged, making the annoyed boy scowl. "Guess we're roomies Mj," Victoria smiled, turning back to the lady at the desk and grabbing her belongings as well as the room keys. They thanked the lady and walked to their rooms, settling into their week-long haven.

Victoria emptied her bag, pulling on a long, black, hades inspired hoodie over her shivering body. She made sure to grab her phone, room key, and money before heading towards the door where she awaited her friend. Mj grabbed a backpack and put on some lipgloss for once, wanting to impress the girl who was too busy thinking of what to eat.

The two left their room and knocked on the rest of the group's doors, everyone leaving except the room with Peter and Ned. The dark haired girl knocked again, being greeted by a smiling, fedora-wearing boy. "Even in winter?" she laughed, pinching his cheeks before pushing into their room.

"Peter we're waiting on you!" She yelled, banging on the bathroom door that she didn't realize was open. The door opened wide, revealing the shirtless, bruised up boy with an emotion of shock on his face. As much as she would've liked to look, she turned her face and muttered an apology, leaving the bathroom before she felt a tug on her hand.

"It's okay," he said softly, putting on his sweater and kissing her cheek. She was flustered but she didn't show it, her blushing cheeks now doll-like. She didn't notice the boy grab a backpack or pull her out of the room until she heard the door slam, which brought her back to her senses.

"Who's ready for Disneyworld!" Harry whispered enthusiastically, earning soft claps from the group of teenagers. Peter grabbed his friend's hand and raced to the entrance of Magical Kingdom, her laugh echoing through the cool winter air. Her friends catching up from behind her, Adonis smacking the back of her head before kissing it.

"Don't we have to buy tickets?" Maddie asked, peering from behind her girlfriend. Victoria shrugged, "I don't know Mads, do we?" She asked before walking to the entrance and showing them her i.d, earning a small bow from one of the workers who opened up the gate for her.

"Well then, are you coming or not?"

The teenagers sprinted through the gate like children, Peter latching on to Victoria as they ran to the nearest ride, which turned out to be some children's rollercoaster but nevertheless, they rode it.

"what's next?"

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