Angel (JeongChan) 1

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Chan had been living in 'The Home' for almost a year now and yet he still wasn't getting better. Everyday, at 3pm, a "visitor" came to see him. He wasn't stupid, he knew the visitor was a doctor, a psychiatrist. They never wanted to see Chan, they were told to see him.

At a young age, Chan had already been through enough trauma to last a lifetime. His birth-mother had left him at the park when he was 4. His adoptive family had died in a plane crash when he was 13. Chan had stayed home due to poor behaviour but he hadn't expected them to leave forever.

He was more than fragile.

When he was 18 he had finally trusted someone enough to date them. It lasted a year, then she got pregnant... with another man's child. Since then, he had never got close with anyone. Never allowed anyone passed his barriers. Two months after he broke up with her, Chan began to get random outbursts of violence. He experienced uncontrollable shaking and had anxiety. To say the least Chan was depressed.

When all of this built up inside of him, he ended up here. In the home.

Jeongin was a new employee at the home. He had to help the residents if they needed it and keep them company if they asked. On his first day, Jeongin had nervously waited at the front desk for instructions. All they told him was to check on people and ask if they needed anything.

Chan, however, didn't need anything. He wanted it.

After a while, the new worker cautiously approached Chan's table. No one else was sat with him. He had an old notebook in front of him and several pens in his hand. Shakily, he was placing them in the order of the rainbow next to the book. He got to yellow but then had to drop them all. His hand was out of control. Minor shaking became severe and he didn't know how to stop it. Frustration swarmed his body, as tears burned his eyes. He let out a roar of aggression, trying to force his hand to stop.

Suddenly another hand touched his. It was gentle and soft, like a warm blanket. Chan glared at the owner of this hand. His eyes met the kind face of Jeongin. Jeongin smiled calmly as he sat down next to Chan. His hand had stopped shaking and the rage had disappeared. No one else had dared get this close to Chan but he didn't mind the youngers presence.

"Who are you?"

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