Shower (Minho)

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For months i have hated my flatmate. He always takes my stuff and does things to irritate me. This time he had taken it too far.

I had been in the shower, when i heard the bathroom door open and then close. I assumed Minho hadn't realised i was showering, so i just ignored it and said nothing.
When i got out of the shower I realised what he had done. Minho had come in, stolen my clothes and left.
"MINHO!" I yelled, wrapping my towel tightly around myself and opening the door. There, i saw the brunette waiting, leaning on the wall opposite the door.
"Yes, Y/N." He smirked.
"Where are my clothes?" I asked, trying to remain calm with him.
"In your room." He told me. That would have been fine, if my room wasn't the other side of the apartment.
"Minho this isn't funny." I pouted, beginning to walk towards my room.
"Wait," he called. I turned around to see what he wanted.
"Don't you want these?" He pulled a pair of my panties from behind his back.
"Really? Minho give them back." I went to grab them but instead slipped in the puddle of water that had formed at my feet. As i fell, i grabbed onto him for support and so he fell with me. We landed on the floor, me on top of him. My face was a blushing mess.
"I-I'm sorry Minho." I stuttered, embarrassed at what had happened.
He didn't reply; he was too busy looking down at our bodies. I had landed, straddling him and my towel had become loose. I quickly grabbed the top of my towel, holding it close to my chest to prevent him from seeing anything he shouldn't. Then i pushed myself up to stand and offered a hand to help him up. He stood up on his own but he wouldn't stop looking at me.
"Minho, stop. I said sorry already." I told him, growing conscious of my indecent state. He shook his head, taking a step forward.
"It's not an apology that I'm looking for." He placed and arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
"W-what is it you want then?" I stuttered. His breath was warm on my neck as he went to whisper in my ear.
"I think we both know what i want."

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