Help (Woojin)

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Music blasted through the entire house. People crowded every room and hallway. When Minho told me it was a small gathering, this is not what i had in mind. He knows I don't like crowds or small spaces and this was definitely checking those boxes.
I squeezed my way through the large groups of people, trying to make my way to the bathroom. I was hoping that it would be empty and allow me to breath my own air as opposed to everyone else's (does that make sense? It does to me). I could see the door behind another group of people. I started pushing people out of my way as i fought to get to my safe place. Suddenly, my vision was going blurry. Then it all blacked out. I could still hear everything happening around me but i couldn't see anything. I put my hand out to grab onto something, anything. I felt what must have been someone's arm and grabbed it tightly, for support, as i gradually fell to the floor. Whoever it was knew who i was or was very good at guessing.
"Y/n, are you ok?" The person asked. Thats such a stupid question, I thought. My heart beat was going crazy and my breathing was fast and kept catching.
"N-no." I mumbled. I could feel his hands on my arms.
"Can you get up?"
I shook my head, too afraid to even try. I just sat there on the ground, waiting for my vision to return. Currently, it was patchy and kept fading in and out. For the record, my eyes were definitely open because the boy asked if i could see alright.
"Um, ok, do you mind if i lift you?" He asked.
"Just get me out of here please." I told him, still unsure of who it was.
"Ok." I felt his arm reach beneath my legs, which had been curled up infront of me. His other arm hooked under my arm and around my back as he picked me up and carried me somewhere.
Eventually my vision was back and i saw a tanned, brown haired boy. He was one of my brother(Minho)s close friends. I had seen him at the house alot.
"Thank you." I said as he put me down on my bed. How did he know which one was mine? There are three rooms upstairs- mine, Minho's and our parents- with no clear indication who's is who's.
"No problem." He replied.
"Who are you?" I asked him, my eyes glued to his handsome face as he stood before me.
"I'm Woojin, your brothers friend." He informed me, with a sweet smile.
"Thanks Woojin." I thanked him again. "I didn't mean to grab you by the way it was just a reflex to my ... I don't know what that was in all honesty." I said.
"It's ok. I'm glad i could help." He replied "do you need a drink, water of course?" He added. I nodded, then he left swiftly to get what i needed.

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