Bad dream (Chan)

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I woke up in a cold sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was uneasy.
"Baby?" Chan whispered. "What's wrong?" He had woken up because of my sudden movement.
"You- you were gone and i- i was alone and i was scared and - and-"
"Shhh, its ok, love." He stopped me. "I'm right here and you'll never be alone, ok?"
"But it was so ... real." I mumbled.
"It was just a bad dream ok baby." He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me to lay back down. I refused to close my eyes again, to afraid of what i would see next. My nightmares hadn't been apparent for a while but now they were back. I just lay there, in Chan's arms, trying not to scare myself. My wild imagination was too vivid. Too many bad things corrupted it.
Chan's thumb rubbed the bottom of my back as he hummed a quiet tune for me. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as i nuzzled closer to him.
"Love you baby, don't forget that." He whispered, sleepily.
"Love you too"

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