All the Time (Woojin)

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I slammed the door shut behind me as i dropped my heavy bag on the floor. I knew i was home alone because Woojin's car wasn't outside, so i screamed as loud as i could. It was just to get out all the pent up aggression and frustration of the school day. I had been back for less than a week and it was already taking its toll on my mental health.
I spent hours crying my eyes out over small details and overthinking my struggle to do homework.
Eventually, i gave in and hid under my duvet. I hoped that if i stayed that way my problems wouldn't find me.
When i heard the door open and close, i snapped out of my sleepy feeling enough to greet my boyfriend upon his arrival.
"Woojinnie." I called somewhat enthusiastically as i walked along the hallway towards him. His arms opened and as i stepped into them, he lifted me gently into a tight hug.
"I missed you today Baby." He mumbled into my shoulder, his lips touching my skin. I wrapped myself around him as he carried me back to our bedroom.
"I needed you so much today." I told him. "I can't get through school without you there with me."
"You know I'd drop everything to come be with you." He kissed my cheek lightly.
"But you can't." I added, still feeling super sad about everything.
"I know sweetie." Woojin kissed my cheek again and again.
"I love you Y/n, I'm sorry I can't he there all the time."

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